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Feminized Power Armor


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It is acctually fairly easy to 'feminize' the power armor, you just need to go in and remove the articulated plate which sits between the breast plate and the pelvis. doing that creates the classic 'hour glass' look and femenizes the body armor. to make anything which is normally masculine, all you need to do is pull in the waist creating the traditional female shape. it is basic psychology.


if you want an example, look at the diffrence between the Male wandering trader outfit and the female wandering trader outfit. there is next to nothing diffrent between one and the other... but the female version looks more 'femenized' simply because the area around the waist has been pulled in closer.

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Well, I messed with the standard BoS power armor mesh for a bit, and this is what I've come up with so far.







Arms need to be scaled down, and a number of other things need to be adjusted.


It did take a bit more than just removing the plates to get the hourglass form, but I think everybody knew that's where it had to start.

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I'll bump it!




Well, I'm not sure what to do with it now, there are a couple of spots that need their UV remapped, I'll see about getting the stomach plates back in in some form, and after that...ummm....helmet? and somebody that knows how to rig it to the skeleton.

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