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Help with Head/Bodys color mismatch


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Hey guys, im having some trouble with the female NPC having a darker head than the body, check the screen. First I thought its a mod causing it, so I uninstalled all body and face mods, I went to meshes/actors/character and so on to remove any folder that would edit the face/body, did the same thing in the texture folder, still the mismatch is visible. On the screens you can see the CBBE body with Pretty Face mod, those 2 should go together well, still the mismatch, also checked for some esps that could cause it but there were none that edited any character appearence. Now ive been trying lots of other combos but always the same damm problem, so does anyone have a clue how I can fix this?



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The problem is roughly this: The textures for the faces and the bodies are slightly different shades. It doesn't look so obvious when you're staring at the dds files, but it becomes obvious in game. The only way I've ever managed to remedy this is by using a specific texture set, (as I couldn't get the texture blender to work for the body I was using) but lighting can skew that and make the seams appear anyway.
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I will admit that I don't know anything about fixing this, but I've picked up a few suggestions from the forums. Don't ask me for help as I'm just repeating someone else's instructions.


This one looks like the least complicated:


"In game, make a note of the NPCs name


Locate the mod(s) which provide the custom NPC(s)


Load one of the mods into the Creation Kit


In the Object Window go to Actors - Actor


In the right hand side, click on the column header called Name to sort the entries by name


Scroll down till you find the NPC in question.


Highlight their entry then press the key combo CTRL+F4


A box will pop up asking if you want to export face gen data, agree to do so


Another box will pop up saying that it is done.


Exit the Creation Kit without saving.


Go back into the game and check out that NPC


Skintone should be correct.


Repeat for all other NPCs"


I hope that sombody can get some help from all of this.




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Hey Rabbit, it sure may help some others but for me every NPC has the problem, so doing it for every female NPC in game would be too much.


Regrettably all of the tips that I have gathered have to do with modded NPC's. I'm sorry.




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