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My horse won't gallop


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I own the game of the year edition, and I downloaded a couple of horse mods, Dude Where's My Horse and MD Saddle Bags V3. Though the horse won't gallop with those on, even when turning them off the horse still won't do so. I also turned off the DLC Horse Armor and the Unofficial Patch at the same time, nothing changed.


It just plods along while you ride like you got all day. It takes a night to get from Skingrad to Kvatch. I did double check to see if the run command was bound to left shift and caps lock and it is, but when I hit either of those keys, nothing happens. My character can still run fine, just not the horse. It seems to affect NPCs as well, I did an Escort Mission and when I ran ahead on foot their horses plodded along too. I don't suspect there is anything wrong with the keys either. When the horse just plods along it doesn't even walk as fast as they normally do, or at least that I recall.


Oh and to be clear about that stupid infamous animation bug, I already ran a fix for my save file. The horse isn't even going into the gallop animation it just keeps on walking.


I'm not sure what else to do. I'd rather not have to use a console cheat to get the horse to behave as it should. I'm also not sure if I should have posted this in the mods forum instead.

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You never said if you have OBSE installed or not. MD Saddlebags requires it. Also, the fact that you have had to previously 'fix' your save file for the animation bug suggests that all may not be well with your save file -- I have never reached that stage in ANY play-through of Oblivion.
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When you say you've tried turning those horse mods off do you mean just deactivating them or completely uninstalling them?

I deactivated them.



You never said if you have OBSE installed or not. MD Saddlebags requires it. Also, the fact that you have had to previously 'fix' your save file for the animation bug suggests that all may not be well with your save file -- I have never reached that stage in ANY play-through of Oblivion.

I didn't have to fix it, but I did so anyways. I asked my friends for help and they suggested I try it.


I'll double check if I installed OBSE and I'll edit this post in a bit.

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Nevermind I somehow made things much worse.


I tried deleting the MD Saddle Bags mod but the horse still had the saddle bags on. I restored the files back from the recycle bin that I had just deleted and tried to properly uninstall them with mod manager and now the game crashes when I try to run it, doesn't even get past the Bethesda splash screen.


I'm assuming I couldn't have done a poorer job installing the mods if I tried so I'm backing up the /Data folder, obse, wyre bash, obmm and the unofficial patches and I'm going to reinstall the game entirely. It will take a while to download from steam again.


EDIT: Oh I did forget to install OBSE like an idiot, but once I installed it the horses were still slow. I did this before I did anything else mentioned in this post.

Edited by sandvich
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EDIT: Oh I did forget to install OBSE like an idiot, but once I installed it the horses were still slow. I did this before I did anything else mentioned in this post.


That is a very odd statement (considering the rest of this thread), which I am having some trouble understanding. :confused:

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EDIT: Oh I did forget to install OBSE like an idiot, but once I installed it the horses were still slow. I did this before I did anything else mentioned in this post.


That is a very odd statement (considering the rest of this thread), which I am having some trouble understanding. :confused:


It's been a long time since I modded anything. I'm sorry, what don't you understand?

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When I last uninstalled the game, I was testing to see if something within the game files was corrupted or ruined in some way because of how I managed to install that saddlebag mod. Nothing changed.


Today, I tried uninstalling the game again, but this time without any mods. The horses gallop as they should, and I even tested it using my current save file so I know that isn't corrupted. Now, I'm going to work slowly, installing the most important mods and going down to the fancy-not necessary beauty mods. I'll back up everything I do, so if something goes wrong hopefully I can find it easier.


This is what I had installed, but this isn't in any particular order.

- The 3 unofficial oblivion patches for the main game, shivering isles and the dlc.

- OBSE, OBMM, Wyre Bash, BOSS

- Low Poly Grass

- Short Grass

- Oblivion PolyGone Overhaul

- Oblivion Script Optimization

- Operation Optimization

- CaptNKILLs NonTiling Texture Mod


- 3 clothing/armor mods.

- Dude Where's My Horse

- MD Saddle Bags

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EDIT: Oh I did forget to install OBSE like an idiot, but once I installed it the horses were still slow. I did this before I did anything else mentioned in this post.


That is a very odd statement (considering the rest of this thread), which I am having some trouble understanding. :confused:


It's been a long time since I modded anything. I'm sorry, what don't you understand?


This is where I was confused:


  • Installed a couple of horse mods.
  • Horses won't gallop
  • To be clear, already ran a fix for ABomb

I asked if you have OBSE


  • Will double check if OBSE installed
  • Made things worse
  • Deleted MD Saddle Bags / botched uninstall mods
  • Going to reinstall game

Here's the crunch:


  • Did forget to install OBSE;
  • installed it;
  • then... "I did this before I did anything else mentioned in this post"!?

That last statement there, considering the previous information.

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EDIT: Oh I did forget to install OBSE like an idiot, but once I installed it the horses were still slow. I did this before I did anything else mentioned in this post.


That is a very odd statement (considering the rest of this thread), which I am having some trouble understanding. :confused:


It's been a long time since I modded anything. I'm sorry, what don't you understand?


This is where I was confused:


  • Installed a couple of horse mods.
  • Horses won't gallop
  • To be clear, already ran a fix for ABomb

I asked if you have OBSE


  • Will double check if OBSE installed
  • Made things worse
  • Deleted MD Saddle Bags / botched uninstall mods
  • Going to reinstall game

Here's the crunch:


  • Did forget to install OBSE;
  • installed it;
  • then... "I did this before I did anything else mentioned in this post"!?

That last statement there, considering the previous information.


Yes I did forget OBSE, but when I installed it nothing changed. Afterwards I backed up and uninstalled everything to attempt a clean test without MD Saddlebags. I forgot to mention that in the post I made, so I edited that in.


However, after the reinstall, the problems were still present so I kinda panicked thinking I just made everything worse.

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