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The Evolving Society Mod


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As Arturius said, no release dates. If you look thru the thread, you will see I failed miserably on my earlier attempts to estimate the remaining effort.


The mod IS huge: 300+ scripts and growing (plus 100+ scripts on auxiliary/preparatory mods).


At the moment I am working on the NPC AI scripts (about a month to go, I guess) and, then, I will deal with the path grid (another month?).

At this point we will have a fully functional Beta version for the team to play with and add quests, dialogs, background story, etc.

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Yeah, the BETA is pretty cool. I've been messing around with it myself, adding in and taking stuff out in hopes of making it better.


Some of the different scripts can clash when I add stuff in, but I try to make everything work smoothly as I can.


So far, I've managed to create the facilities I talked about in The Wormhole, but I haven't been able to get the buildings to upgrade.


I'll figure it out soon though

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Arming the island guards is on the plans: there will be an armory where you can deposit all that loot you collect during the game. The guards will select their armor and weapons from the available equipment in the armory.


As for attacking other islands or the main continent, I am afraid that will have to wait for a sequel or I will never finish the mod.

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okay I searched raid and i didn't find anything that i was thinking of(at least from what i saw), which is that from your island you should be able to raid the vanilla oblivion cities and take them over and eventually become the emperor/empress of all of cyrodil, where you can make the world become more peaceful by being a benevolent ruler or more chaotic by being a tyrant, the choices you make will change the path in which you take and whether or not there will be assassination plots to dethrone you(from npcs of great strength, like their stats will be the same as the player's stats, with different specializations(like if player has 100 in blade an archer in the assassination group will have 100 in marksman) which will make it more interesting, and rebellions happening every so often(depending on player's benevolence/tyranny or i suppose you could use fame/infamy for this same with rate of assassination) basically, what i'm suggesting is, why not take it farther than an island, make oblivion become a whole new game, that's what mods in diablo 2 usually aim to do, why not here on oblivion where the possibilities are even more limitless?


P.S. I'm korean so english isn't my native tongue, excuse my grammar and spelling errors if i have any, which i do believe there are quite few, if not cool, but just a fair warning :P

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That sounds rather like another mod idea on its own.


well no offense, but from what i read, you build stuff and you rule from a throne but can't raid other parts of cyrodil? i mean really it's in human nature to want more once they had a taste of it, So in my opinion it's more of a.... expansion of this mod rather than another mod by itself.

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You build things on an enclosed environment in this mod and as it's basically empty when you arrive you'll build up to make it a functional place to live, survive and later on it could prosper. Cyrodiil is all cluttered, filled with mods and vanilla quests/NPCs.


"Raiding" all oblivion cities would be a hard piece of work and would take a lot of time to create. That's mainly because you'd either have to duplicate every city or have a lot of factors to deal with as most NPCs or places are tied to quests that'll break. I can know as I've been part of a mod that was 'just' about getting emperor of Cyrodiil, saving several cities that were attacked and making changes around (No, that mod never got released). What you've said is a realistic idea, but it's far to large for a mod like this that's already huge on its own and will take a lot of months to complete before expansions can be begun on.


Something like this would have to take place after Skyrim has been released (maybe 2012 if this mod takes more time to complete.) and would take at least 4 months (without delays, in its basic form and with realistic time spend on it a week) to create to be finished.

Edited by Pronam
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i never expected it to be easy or short, it was a suggestion for the future for any time in the future, in a way to keep a mod alive, cause most of the mods and modders are starting to die out from what i can tell, and well, it'd be nice to have a really big mod to cover the gap that no new updates on older mods starts to create in our gameplay, but then it's a selfish request really :P
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