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The Evolving Society Mod


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i never expected it to be easy or short, it was a suggestion for the future for any time in the future, in a way to keep a mod alive, cause most of the mods and modders are starting to die out from what i can tell, and well, it'd be nice to have a really big mod to cover the gap that no new updates on older mods starts to create in our gameplay, but then it's a selfish request really :P



We're not dying out, we're just having a break until Skyrim comes out, :) Well, presonally, I've stopped with Oblivion modding, and gone onto Fallout, but there is still a lot of activity on Oblivion just now. :)

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You might want to have a browse through http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/369104-keeping-it-real/ as well, every time I find someth9ing which strikes me as "unrealistic" it comes up on that topic, and please feel free to plunder it for ideas. Edited by MarkInMKUK
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So, let's have some good news: The main mod engine is DONE !!


I mean, it is done in a sense that the main building blocks are done and working together.


I still need to do a lot of detailing, tuning and fixing:

Detailing: creating detailed daily schedules for the NPCs, reviewing the types of facilities etc.

Tuning: mostly tweaking supply vs. demand to get a balanced game.

Fixing: an uncountable number of bugs that will manifest themselves.


After these, the storyline, quests and dialogs will be selected and added (a lot of work, I know, but hopefully, there will be more hands to do it)


For more frequent status updates check the Vox Populi Team Forum at the Wormhole (still open to the public).

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