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Problems with uninstalling Morrowind/TES 3 Morrowind.


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Hello there.


Since I have next to no time anymore - since years - to play PCGames, I wanted to uninstall serverall Games - one of those being Morrowind.


I haven't played Morrowind since 2016, I guess, and have forgotten most of how to uninstall it. Not that I have much knowledge of Installing/uninstalling whatever, be it games or Mods anyway. Just enough to hope to get it right somehow and get away with it - without my PC jumping into my face.


I speak german - hence my datapath and PC-messages are all german too - I hope, my translations are accurate enough to make sense to someone. Sorry for translation mistakes.



I found on the Pathway Computer - Local Data (C:) - GOG GAMES the Folder Morrowind. I think that is the mainfolder.

Other than that there where several other Folders "Morrowind this" and "Morrowind that" under the Mainfolder - all of them having to do with Mods or perhabs the addons of Morrowind, I think.

I found in the first Morrowind folder uninstall-option - I used it and the folder was gone.

I renamed the other folder "Morrowind something" one after the other "Morrowind" - found the uninstall option there as well and pooff - folders gone.


Only one was different.

TES3 Morrowind it was called - I believe. I thought, it was no different from the others. Called it morrowind, searched for the uninstall-option in said Folder and well... it was not there... Uh... no... what was the name of this folder again? Like I said - i believe, it whas TES3 Morrowind. Wrote that down.

Instead I found in there a Morrowind Launcher.exe. Used it... uninstall it... nope.

Errow message: The Install Shield Engine (iKernel.exe) could not be installed. Class not registered.

My thought.... Errr... what?


I found another uninstall option. There was a folder called MWUninstall - in there I found Setup.exe... Tried that... Same error message. And another window oppend - the message being:


Programmcompatibilityassitant: If this program was not correct installed, than repeat the process unter use of ...errr... approach? Placement? Modulation? (sorry I tried to translate that one, but... well...) which are compatible with this Windows-version.

Programm: InstallShield ® Setup Launcher

Publisher: InstallShield Software Corporation

Path: C:\GOG Games TES3 Morrowind\MWUninstall\Setup.exe


Install anew with recommended (i guess) Modulations.


Programm was correctly installed.


Uhh... do I want to do this not understanding, what exactly happend? Nope... not really.

So I tried severall folder names with those uninstalling buttons. Perhabs I should have never renamed that one...



TES3 Morrowind... TES3Morrowind... TES 3 Morrowind... TES 3Morrowind... I took out the E... I took out the 3... Now I am at the end of my knowledge...


what did I do, before I did that all?


I found my Nexus Mod Manager... Had a direkt Link to it on Desktop. Started it and found out I could kill all mods in one go from the game. Also read on your page there was surposed to be something like a red x, which would take the mods out of the PC... Sad to say there was no red x. Guess I had a old version. doesn't matter... I took the mods out of NMM. Was happy.


I tried to Uninstall the NMM, but I still have on Computer - Local Data (C:) - Games - the folder Nexus Mod Manager. In it a Folder Morrowind with the subfolders Install Info and Mods. Do I just put them into the dustbin?


Seriously, I did not think, it would be so problematic to uninstall a game...


Now I wish to ask you guys - got an idea what to do? I'm fresh out of them.


I made a screeny of the folder in hopes somebody can tell me what is missing or what this folder is exactly for...











Well... thats it, I guess. Thank you for reading. I dearly hope, somebody can help me...


Oh and if somebody thinks system control - programs would be good to uninstall it... it can't find Morrowind - it was the very first thing I tried anyway in the very beginning.


Thank you, dear Reader/Helper.


Sincerely yours, Chrissie

Edited by Seewolf1979
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Have you tried deleting through the GOG client? Assuming there is one


Are you prepared to live with some remnants of Morrowind on your computer? If so, then I'd manually delete the folder C:\GOG Games\Morrowind


That could leave you with some entries in your Start Menu etc. but the space Morrowind takes up would be available.


Finally, you could try re-installing the game again and then immediately running the uninstaller, maybe that would fix the uninstall.

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