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Where did the mod list go?


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Hi guys and thanks in advance for any help you can give on this issue.


I Hadnt played skyrim for a while but never uninstalled it or nexus or any of the mods i have installed. I recently chose to go in and pick up where id left off and thought it would be best to check for any mod updates before doing so. So i opened the mod manager and the entire page is blank as if they were all deleted somehow. Yet if i launch the game, its all there and runs as expected. I still get the occasional hikup here and there like id gotten before but nothing out of the ordinary. what could cause the mod manager to get screwy like this? If i switch it from skyrim to fallout. all the fall out mods are still listed but the sktrim ones are just not there/visible. very odd.

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Hi guys and thanks in advance for any help you can give on this issue.


I Hadnt played skyrim for a while but never uninstalled it or nexus or any of the mods i have installed. I recently chose to go in and pick up where id left off and thought it would be best to check for any mod updates before doing so. So i opened the mod manager and the entire page is blank as if they were all deleted somehow. Yet if i launch the game, its all there and runs as expected. I still get the occasional hikup here and there like id gotten before but nothing out of the ordinary. what could cause the mod manager to get screwy like this? If i switch it from skyrim to fallout. all the fall out mods are still listed but the sktrim ones are just not there/visible. very odd.


The mod manager is looking in the wrong place. You need to go back and point it at the appropriate file location for Skyrim.

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