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INI question.


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Don't use the ini. go to the console and use this command.


set timescale to X


x being the time you want


Default is 30, so 1 min = 30

15 is a good balance.


You only need to use it once and it will stay that way.

This will affect all saves, you can change it back anytime.

You can use "show timescale" to see if its worked or if you want to see what its set at


edit: Don't set it to low or it can screw up some missions. There are reported errors with setting at say, 5

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I normally play with timescale set to 6, and i haven't experienced any problems so far.

I think it's the lowest setting you can have without having to totally break your game, i might be wrong so look it up!

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6 is good. 5 is the safe point. Most people, like me giving advice, say 5 because I can say that safely with knowing it won't screw up a game. 3 can probably work , 4 can probably work, but 5 is a good safe point.


1 screws up some scripts, which is why most who advise will give the 5 safepoint.

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