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My 2 biggest issues with skyrim


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There was some dwemerish puzzles in Dawnguard?


As said, this is RPG, not puzzle.

But puzzles are great addition, and I would really like to see those "press three pressure plates at the same time to open"- puzzles.


Maybe just so you could drop some useless dragon bones on them? Or fetch those bodies of the dead for them.


Only puzzle which disappointed me was the one where you fetch Horn of Jurgen Windcaller.

As the part where you use Whirlwlind sprint is not really "puzzle", you just sprint through it.

And it doesn't even take two words to get past it.


Would be really great addition to see dungeons which can't be completed if you don't have the correct words for it.

For example, Wuld Nah Kest, you need the length of the whole sprint to get over canyon of death? (Without falling to your death)

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But, Elder Scrolls have never been primarily puzzle based, and I would not want to see them becoming so. I would not want to have to abandon yet another series of games because of physical impossibility for me.


The problem with making dungeons impossible to complete if you don't have certain words is that certain words are locked to certain questlines, which obliges you to do certain questlines even if it is totally against your RP persona. Unless, of course, you have the Freedom of Speech mod, which came about because apparently quite a few people think as I do. Or the Leveler's Tower for that matter.

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