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can't enable dl'd mods e.g. Amorsmith Extended et al xb1


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so, i had armorsmith extended, awkcr, and dadadadada (snoop dogg experience sound effect) before i cleared my fo4 cache because of crashes.


now, no can do. tried every combination of AS and awkcr (xb1 btw) with absolutely no success not even an error that files are missing, usually which present themselves when dl'ing. not the case here. i can dl AE latest(?) v3.02 full version, but there is no v4.02 version for that, or whatever the number is not really relevant since there is no AWKCR+ v3.02, but there is an awkcr v4.02 no dlc. obviously i can't dl or enable (obvi) awkcr all dlc because i don't have any dlc, so, dont dl it. and AWKCR v4.02 NO DLC description states that one must have the Unofficial Fallout 4 patch. why? if you're dling something for a game with no dlc, there is no reason to have the uofo4 patch because IT'S ONLY USEFUL IF YOU HAVE DLC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEREFORE, IF YOU DON'T HAVE DLC, THERE IS NO REASON FOR PATCH, THEREFORE NO NEED TO LIST IT TO INCLUDE IN ANY LOAD ORDER.


so afaik, there is no other AE version besides the one i mentioned. at least not that i can find.


YES I HAVE ABILITY TO DOWNLOAD AWKCR v4.02 and ARMORSMITHEXTENDED v3.02 no dlc full version. I can't enable both, but i see them, yet exit out go back in through mods in title menu (MODS) and unchecked status shows with no display when press Y for load order. nothing, nada, zippo, zero, zilch. also, the description mentions that "A VERSION OF AWKCR is needed". it doesn't state specifically that one needs an exact version of awkcr, which logically follows that one doesn't need an exact version. not explicitly implied, yeah?

see i feel i have to repeat myself because all other posts i've seen either here or elsewhere regarding these two mods and differing versions, and especially this particular mod, the answers given are so convoluted and hard to understand for the average layman. and, being a former coder myself, that's just bad form. if i dont understand what kind of word salad is given for a desc. you're giving, then just leave the description blank. ACTUALLY. why tf bother stating anything at all? that would render the same results, but one couldn't really get upset at that descriptive behaviour because there isn't one to follow. see what i'm saying.


so i can't install AE v3.02 now. says i'm missing files but only files necessary, and yes i RTFM, more than once, i may add, are the "any version of AWKCR", which i absolutely DO have. can dl, not enable, so what gives?


the developer mentions in the description that you should dl the "compatibility patch". also. however, doesn't give the fickoing name. so, useless endeavor, to put it frankly. not an opinion, fact, no PATCH exists (and the search system is s***.) I'm pretty sure he knows this phenomena. NO? you do now.


so, dl'd both in load mod menu (because load order has no listing of it whatsoever). with no effect. can'y enable either.


so my question is, can someone give an understandable explanation of exactly which files are necessary to get them to even display in load order option? (you know, like when you press Y on your xbox one controller)


(also, i know it worked previously because when i opened my pipboy under mods were all these:







PS if anyone knows about the snoop dogg experience sound mod, dadadadada, do we know why it's missing from mod listing at all? not sure if it was nexus mod, but. does that matter? no. i just need some feedback regarding this ONLY if you have any constructively.


PPS also, is there another version of AE that i don't know about for xbox? cuz i can't see any.


PPPS i can only assume that the developer is aware that listing load order for the xbox is fruitless to show as either .esm or other files because xbox one consoles are not pc's therefore no actual file representations should be listed; not all mods match their actual file names.

Edited by monicajae
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I didn't ask you to know anything. I asked if there was a version of this that was a lot shorter.

TL;DR = Too Long; Didn't Read.

The only things that I can get out of this post is that you're on an Xbone, (which, this is a PC forums, btw. So we might be able to help out, but most of us don't use the game decks here)


That you've got a problem about AWKCR and AE compatibiliy and you don't have all the DLC so you're having issues installing the former.


And then a bunch of yada yada yada that I canNOT read because it all turns into a big block of blur due to my dyslexia.


Can you be short, concise, and to the point?

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I think you need to download and install both "Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource v8.6.0" and "Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource v4.02a". And then overwrite whatever you already have from the main file with the optional file.


Armorsmith Extended 4.6 notes that you need at least AWCKR v8.5 or newer. But AE requires all DLC. Maybe an earlier version of it has no DLC requirements I'm sure, but I don't know if they are still compatible with the game at the current version. Those versions are all abandoned. I think you may be better off spending 10 bucks to get the GOTY edition of this game with all DLC.

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  • 2 weeks later...

thanks for the replies. while i wasn't able to fix this, i used another mod that essentially does the same thing, therefore, i had all the armor mods available again. *shrug*


i am having an issue with a sound mod that just, quite literally, disappeared. that was the xp sound replacer -- snoop dogg's dadadadada


gone. just gone. ?


i didn't realize this forum was particular to pc's. my b.

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