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Is it possible to get random CTD due to Visual C++ version?


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I started to get some random crashes for a while and installed all the available Visual C++ Redistributable versions from 2008 to 2019 on top of 2015-19 x64 version I had already and the CTD suddenly stopped for last 4 days.

I thought Skyrim SE was using just 2015 x64 version and LE was using 2010 x32 version. How does it make any sense?

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When playing a modded SSE, it's not only the game that is initiated. SKSE is 32-bits as are other tools, apps and whatnot that start along. So yeah, using the 'wrong' set of Visual C++ can let the game go belly-up.

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When playing a modded SSE, it's not only the game that is initiated. SKSE is 32-bits as are other tools, apps and whatnot that start along. So yeah, using the 'wrong' set of Visual C++ can let the game go belly-up.



But isn't Skryim SE governed by the latest VC++ distribution? The OP was saying that installing older sets made his issue go away. That would imply a "bad" mod that uses the "incorrect" VC++ distribution, wouldn't it? Or am I misreading this whole thing ?


Asking for selfish reasons rather than academic, because I have two code 193 errors, One for the HDT engine and the other for an animation speed control dll (I'm still running under 1.5.80/2.0.16. They're not terminal but they are there. His post suggests the possibility of resolving them by loading additonal VC++ distributions...I think...

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