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Shiny body when Equipping/Unequipping/Loading


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Hi, I have an issue with the body turning shiny upon loading a save, equipping armor, or unequipping armor. I use only UNP for Skyrim SE and normalmaps from Pride of Valhalla SE. I also use UUNP vanilla armors, also for SE. The effect appears in both ENB and non-ENB. Does anyone know where I might start looking for the cause?




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Alfrin, fwiw, that looks a bit like some sort of facelight artifact, or possibly the inherent facelight-like thing that can happen if you leave the "light on" when editing a character in racemenu, although I'm a bit puzzled why it stops at the neck seam...


EDIT: BTW, BHUNP bodyslide got posted recently for SE And it works very well. With all due respect to those who've been around for a long time, I'm not sure why vets are pushing for handling this game as if it was LE. First off, Vortex works very wel, without the need to work in a lower level piecemeal fashion, and the unified UNP and the new BHUNP are both great bodyslide 'tools' for working with "UNP" bodies.


​Personally, for anyone who is relatively new to SE and isn't overloading their mods lists to include 300 or 400 mods, I'd recommend using Vortex.

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If it's strictly associated with that piece of armor being worn, and you aren't using UNP and you did't fit that armor yourself, don't bother with BHUNP or UUNP (presuming the model is UNP-based in the first place...idk if it is or it's CBBE), since that's very unlikely to be your issue. There's clearly something going on with the armor/armor-fitted body (look at the neck seam. there's shiny below , none above) . In my estimation, either


a) you fitted armor to a body off your own that was created with a shiny texture, or

b) you installed an armor that was created using a shiny body texture by someone else.


(there is a difference, in the first case, you would have had your own shiny body used to fit the armor, in the second, someone else did and you're just putting it on without any further fitting. (since fitting requires using your own body to fit to)


In either case, it's apparent that the shiny is only on the body, based on the texture disconnect at the neck (head doesn't have the shiny, body does)


PS> idk if you use CBBE or UNP as the basis for your player. If you use CBBE, then use CBBE armor or deal with the disparities when donning a piece of UNP designed armor/clothing. I have a few pieces that I use, and although there are certain screwinesses when doing so, I just deal with it, (as long as they fit relatively closely) because I like the pieces more than I like not having them.. Nothing's perfect, and no afaik you can't fit UNP gear to a CBBE body or visa versa. (at least I don't know how to)


My comments on BHUNP and Vortex were because I sometimes see the vets disparaging Vortex and SE methodology and encouraging people to behave as if this was LE and the time was 2014.... And it kinda bugs me, because I've never once experienced the stuff they claim is going on and have used Vortex the entire time I've been playing. (started playing in ~feb of 2019) I respect their opinions on some things, but I see a clear bias that comes from them and I feel a certain busybody need to battle it. I don't know how Vortex was 2 years ago. I do know how it's been over the past ~year. Pretty darned solid.


And regarding UNP... I do realize that "UNP is dead" is a mantra among the hardcore vets re: skyrim SE, and perhaps that was once true,maybe even tru in the long term (I wasn't able to do any bodyslide work on UNP when I first started playing, and at the time, you really had to dig down in low level to do anything with UNP-ish bodies, or at least that was the impression I was left with at the time... so I'll give them that much) but it sure doesn't seem to be the case any more or at least for the nearterm future if not lonng term (I've read a ton of comments from people over the past year that prefer the modeling of UNP, regardless of any superiority of CBBE wrt tweaking the body bits.


Rhetorical question: If UNP is so dead, why was BHUNP just release within the past ~month or so to both SE and LE, and second, why have there been a massive number of UNP follower/companions converted over the past few months? My conclusion is that UNP isn't nearly as dead as some claim, again,regardless of any superiority in tweakability in CBBE over UNP or not.


- If you read this, No offense Jim, but I disagree with your stance on both UNP and Vortex.


​Sorry for the lengthy post. I suck at being brief. ps> edited for typos and content.

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...()...​Personally, for anyone who is relatively new to SE and isn't overloading their mods lists to include 300 or 400 mods, I'd recommend using Vortex.

Well, I've been modding Skyrim, LE and SE since mods became available for those releases. Tried Vortex to take over from NMM as manager and while it works fine most of the time it generally wants to be the Nero Burning ROM of mod managers by incorporating LOOT and FNIS and a whole bunch of other stuff no-one asked for. Vortex also sucks big-time when it comes to its own brand of 'conflict' solving. Threw Vortex in the bin for that reason alone. But then I have 511 mods installed with 282 plugins (254 esp, the rest esl or 'light'), so, yeah, modding dangerously isn't for Vortex users. If you want freedom of modding, especially when new to modding SSE, use Nexus Mod Manager. Apologies for the off-topic comment.

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It's fine! But my modlist is rather small and I'll worry about Vortex another day.


The issue carries over with any armor/piece of clothing and shows when my character's naked as well. Only going into the showracemenu fixes it, until I equip/unequip again.

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It's not causing me crashes, or anything. It's nothing more than a little annoyance. I'm just confused where I'm going wrong.

My NIFS are either designed for or optimized for SSE. NifOptimizer detects no incompatibilites with my textures. I use the vanilla skeleton after doing a clean install to solve a different error, though I had the same problem with my old XPMSSE skeleton.

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That appears to be a texture issue or some sort of lighting issue (like how leaving the light on when editing a character in racemenu will leave the player with a glow) rather than a skeletal issue. Do you still see it when your character is naked?


EDIT: note that I said "like" when editing a chracter in racemenu and leaving the light on. There is a very visible seam between your head and your clothed body, (the weird light is only on the clothed body and when it hits the neck it ceases) which suggests to me a problem with the body used to fit the armor. With very few exceptions, when we don armor or clothing, we're not actually putting armor/clothing on over our body, we're replacing the entire torso with whichever body was used to fit the armor. That replacement torso includes both the body elements and the clothing/armor.

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