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What do you think should be "added" to make Fallout 3 better


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As awesome as that would be, Sock, it would be a MASSIVE project requiring several people. Though I'd love to see it, it would indeed require an incredibly ambitious person at the helm.


As an additional to above suggestion.. maybe if you have 50 or more repair and science you can go to the robot superhero's hideout and construct robots for your own use? D:


Gather all those spare parts, and maybe kill robots for special robot parts, and build your own customized robots ftw.


I'd make a robot on wheels that could shoot a mini chaingun and maybe had some sawblades.. zip around and shoot~


Would require you stock it with ammo ofc, and batteries, and when building you'd use a chaingun or something, and some other tools and supplies as well as tires and servos and junk.


what would be even more epic is if you had to find/hack schematics out of things and combine them, then use your science skill to hack them into a tape deck, to improve the programming of your robot so it can do more advanced functions and tactics.


Completely custom ones? Probably not achievable, but I'm sure we could have a "Workbench" type thing for robot design. Collect schematics to build personal, disposable robots. Perhaps even inventory 'bots! You know, little flying robots that you select from your inventory and toss up like a weapon. They shoot at the enemy, or have saws on them like the Manhacks from Half-Life 2!

Then you could find the advanced schematics for powerful robots requiring many parts. That would actually be really cool! Schematics for robots like Protectrons and Mister Gutsy's, plus schematics for custom robots not seen in the world.


God, I would dig a mod like this so hard!

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Well here's some ideas as to what could be changed for the better. Not really "adding" anything to the game tho since there's no sdk yet, mostly just rebalances/tweaks to the existing game to get the challenge back into survival, scavenging, fighting, exploration and improving gear and attributes. It's a long read, but there's cookies at the end tho, i promise.... ;)





As for adding stuff, i hope to be making some robot companions with some very interesting and funny personalities and behaviours when the sdk comes out. Ofcourse i can't tell you too much about that, cause i want to make them myself ;).


Also, it might be fun to have some new weapons and armor that can only be crafted with a large number of hard to get random mats (try finding 6 steam pumps, 4 leaf blowers, 20 piles of scrap metal and a 90%+ condition plasma rifle for instance). This would ensure that you actually have to explore and loot a shitload of places before you've earned those new pieces of equipment, and doesnt require any new parts to be introduced to the world that arent already available and reasonably well distributed. With all the changes ive noted in the post linked above, this should make weapons become available far more gradually, and you could earn them with either lots of parts or loads of caps.


Ive got one completely impossible request: Move Megaton further away from the bloody starting vault! I go for a lil' stroll in the beginning and nearly instantly i find just about the largest settlement in the game and am casually asked to disarm or detonate a nuke (quite dissapointing..... lemme at least earn some karma or achieve something before i get asked) Lots and lots of cool stuff and places in this game but beth really doesnt succeed very often in building it up to a proper climax. (with that in mind, less mightve been more for F3). Anyway. maybe someone could add a karma and level requirement to those quests?

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Completely custom ones? Probably not achievable, but I'm sure we could have a "Workbench" type thing for robot design. Collect schematics to build personal, disposable robots. Perhaps even inventory 'bots! You know, little flying robots that you select from your inventory and toss up like a weapon. They shoot at the enemy, or have saws on them like the Manhacks from Half-Life 2!

Then you could find the advanced schematics for powerful robots requiring many parts. That would actually be really cool! Schematics for robots like Protectrons and Mister Gutsy's, plus schematics for custom robots not seen in the world.


God, I would dig a mod like this so hard!


Well yeah, I meant that there could be like 3 or 4 diff types of chassis, like wheels, legs, hover spider, and whatnot..


But you could find schematics and they would give the npc companion diff abilities during building, like shooting rockets instead of lasers or being able to saw people.


And to the last part, think of it as programming, you have to steal programs from robots, terminals, schematics, etc then use your science skill to hack them together onto a holodisk...


In order to make a coherant program that allowed your npc to follow orders (and if it was a good enough program, do more advanced things), instead of making them a confused pile of walking junk etc.



Also what would be great would be some sort of survival mod that made sleep/water/food a requirement, for both the player and NPCS.


So traders would literally have to stockpile food from scavengers and hunters and the like, towns would have to go and buy them unless they went out and hunted for food.. and water would also be a necessity.



Although it does break quests.. Non essential npcs that have to survive are more realistic.. You may not be able to even finish critical quests say if the brotherhood npcs or supermutants near GNR starve to death.. but IRL there wouldn't be invincible immortal beings waiting around the world ad-infinum to give you quests.

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My idea (2 part) of more themes for your house. and the ability to change the world by being able to make changes to your home town. best explained in this thread:



edit: I would call it the "Make a difference"mod, or the "rebuilding megaton"mod, or the "reclaiming the wastes" mod.

key would be the player choice in various styles. so say that the player has the ability to make paved roads replace the current dust path in their hoe city (in my case megaton), they should be able to choose from cobbles, stones, mozaic, marble, brick pavement, tarmac... each option has different difficulties and quests to get them.


again, this should be very expensive. but eventually could possibly create a small revenue for the player as reward of starting the capitol wastelands first true attempt at a proper sustainable settlement.


and attempt at re-establishing some civilization.

I would recommend it be possible to have player made additions to this mod. like altering more places, them adding various other looks... and it should be completely modular. that is to say, you could chose to have paved roads for the first ring of megaton, the wall rebuilt from brick and whitewashed, the sheds improved to Chinese 'traditional' housing (yes, I'm aware I'm making a gross assumption based on stereotype, probably Japanese stereotype and not Chinese...) a second cirlce of settlement outside of megaton with a different type of road, a different wall...


and the next playthrough, you could instead choose to have it all the same, except for the look of the wall, or maybe all different. a modular system would allow for players to truly create their own style and have an effect on the world.

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Overall I would like moders to consecrate on making combat and AI more realistic and challenging some points:


Enemies Ai should react more aggressively when one of their friends are taken out .

Super mutants should be using big guns only hands too big to use rifles sorry ...

Larger enemy parties like raiders at later levels they become cannon fodder and should travel in large groups of 5 +.

Creating the wasteland feeling like it should be Welcome to the Wasteland mod does that well .

Make the game turn-base only if theres a way to fix the camera slowdown fallout should be played turn based its not a fps or oblivion.


Mod setup I have right now makes things allot better then vanilla but still far from perfect challenge .


I recommend using realism mods that increase damage and base accuracy solely on skill as well as XFO perks.

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Someone pls. add fixed running/walking animation.


Exactly what I mean is :







It will be hard but its possible, so if someone got skills, please do it.



oh so I should already mention "hold still" animations, like some different random standing posture, or something ( for example looking around )...


Animations is a hard part but I'm sure someone can handle this problem.

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Dynamic hud coloring:



Why: can definitely be used to enhance gameplay if done right.. Obv we're not looking for rainbow flashy spazm hud colors but the hud could be made to subtly alter its color based on time of day and whats happening.. to make things awesome-er-er



Turret Placement (and further on) Roving attacks against towns and a player-settled town/village:






Why: Would be a great way to use science/repair skill, to make turrets and such to fortify places..


Even further if raiders and slavers would actually storm towns and such to steal/kill people..


And settling your own town/village would add an errie mirror to fo1/fo2's storyline.


Repair stuff using workbench:



Why: cause its silly not to.


Gun belts and holsters:



Why: for that awesome effect of not having guns velcro-adhere to your behind.


Ragamuffin tophat for non-children:



Why: because its a nifty hat.

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I would like to see random encounters again... Also instead of teleporting (aka fast travel) you would walk on the map like the old fallouts, that way you can have some random encounters if you wish to fast travel...


And please a better ending and being able to play on after I beat the game... Also I want to be able to tell Fawkes to end the game :) that way noone dies and everyone is happy :)

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An easy mod would be creation of an NPC who "Builds" you protectrons when you give him x amount of scrap metal, x amount of laser pistols, and x amount of fission batteries.


Of course you would have to up the speed of protectrons, because at current they are slow as molasses and would be useless to have as a companion

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