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What do you think should be "added" to make Fallout 3 better


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I'm glad to see that someone started compiling this list.


I just finished the MQ and I've been taking notes the whole way through. For this, my first character, I was going to go the neutral route, but it's kind of hard to be anything but good here. In the end, Oulan was a sneaky, sharp-shooting goody-two-shoes.


- It bothered me that there was no noticeable difference between the very easy locks and the very hard locks (and all locks in-between). I think it'd be swell if someone did up separate skins for the separate lock difficulties.


- All throughout the metro stations and caves, etc., in the game there are lights being powered by (strangely silent) generators or car batteries. What is preventing my character, who's high Repair and Science skills indicate she knows enough about electronics, from just unhooking those wires or flicking a switch and turning those lights off? Granted, being able to make the entire dungeon pitch black could not only get a bit annoying for some people, but it would also overpower stealth characters in certain situations. The way I see it, the dev's added those permanent lights to the dungeons so that stealthy characters would have a bit of a challenge. If they had taken any time to flesh out the stealth system however. . . Anywhoo, it doesn't make sense as it is, and being unable to shoot out lightbulbs is jarring too.


- I had a relatively low Explosives skill throughout the entire game, but for some reason I was able to disarm every single trap out there flawlessly. It would be nice if an "attempt to disarm" a trap not only relied somewhat on the player's Explosives skill, but was also just that: an attempt. For example, in the Germantown Police HQ, there are a couple paths through the building that, while direct, are mine laden. The player with a mediocre explosives skill (and a keen-ish eye) would have to choose the risk of the direct route, or the indirect route. Or something.


- While I was riding up/down the elevator in the Washington Monument, I noticed that while I could look outside the elevator shaft, past the ruined monument and into the wastes, I couldn't actually see the wastes. It was all one big orange-ish texture. Seems like Bethesda missed that one.


- I haven't tested this one out thoroughly, but every once in a while I'll listen to the radio stations on a whim. Sometimes during dialogue I'll hear the radio in the background, but others (such as in any sort of merchant's shop menu) the radio will go silent. Sometimes I'll hear it through loading screens, other times I won't.


- I find it incredibly aggravating how sucky the OTS camera is. There are a few problems at play here. First is the placement of the camera. Luckily Saiden Storm fixed this for the most part here, but there are still some issues when wearing Power Armor. The second issue is the character/weapon models. With many weapons your character isn't actually aiming at the crosshair! How silly! On top of that, Bethesda was lazy and instead of adjusting the trajectory, they just covered it up with the auto-aim. The auto-aim is what causes the bullets to fly towards the crosshair, but the problem with that is that the auto-aim will also make bullets fly nowhere near the crosshair at all. The third problem I have with it is that you can have your crosshair right over a box or door or whatever in OTS mode, but the game won't recognize that you're selecting the box or door or whatever. Basically, the camera needs to be fixed, the model/animations need to be fixed so that the auto-aim can be turned off, and whatever decides what object you're selecting needs to be fixed for OTS.


- Also, as a matter of personal preference, I'd like to see the OTS camera zoom in just a bit when the player goes into sneak mode. It just feels right. When you're not sneaking you're either taking everything in or you're involved in some hectic combat. You'd probably want to be able to see as much as possible under those circumstances, considering how much the AI likes to rush and flank you. Sneaking is a little more determined and intense, and I think that bringing the camera in automatically would reflect that well.




- After the Enclave invades the Jefferson Memorial and I make my daring escape I received Power Armor training from the Brotherhood. Keen to make use of this, I ran back through the sewers looking to loot the corpses I'd left behind. Strangely they were all gone and I could only go so far (it seems the Enclave locked me out). Eager for Power Armor and cocky as hell, I decided I'd go guns blazing into the front door of the place and hopefully get a suit or two. The large blue energy barrier sure surprised me, but it didn't actually impede my entrance in the slightest. Inside I found absolutely ZERO guards on the outside of the structure, and only ONE on the inside. . . . What the hell? What's stopping me from taking the place back and closing the energy barrier they so conveniently left open for me?


- WHY WON'T FAWKES TAKE A RADIATION BATH FOR THE TEAM?!?!?! You're not being poignant Bethesda, you're being stupid.




- Stims. They're everywhere. They're amazing. They heal your HP for large amounts instantly with no side effects and they heal your crippled limbs instantly. I'd like to see them have a Heal over Time (HoT) effect. Maybe this effect could stack, but after the second dose you'd start to experience some very negative effects. Maybe those with low Medicine skills would OD? In addition, stims should not heal limbs at all. Morphine (sorry, "Med-X") should allow the player to ignore the crippled effect for a time, but it should also become addictive if it isn't already.


- The range on grenades and other explosives seems a bit lacking.


- While I'm on the topic of grenades, why are there so many functional grenades and mines left in the world? It would seem to me that after nuclear holocaust and 200 years that there would be significantly less functional explosives left in the world, though I don't know how true that would be in the real world.


- On that same note it seems that there are a lot of functional guns and ammo left as well. This would be harder to counteract as the enemies out there need to pose some sort of challenge. I don't have any particular ideas for this one just yet, but it definitely needs to be looked at.


- After thinking long and hard about it, I like the way skill books are implemented (for the most part). There's so many of them that it's a hassle to go out there with a guide in hand and "catch them all." They're scattered around as rewards for exploring thoroughly and you never really know what you're gonna get. I like the locations that the books are in, but I'd like it better if their locations were shuffled with each game.


- On the same note, I'd find it rewarding if for each of the unique weapons there were 5 or so spots that they would spawn, with a random one selected with each game. For example, one time I was wandering the wastes and came across a diner. Inside I found the unique Chinese Assault Rifle. I found out later that this spot was actually the only place you could find it and that a mini-quest leads you to it. While I like that placement and the lore behind it felt solid, there are plenty of Very Hard locked gun lockers and storage rooms - plenty of out of the way caves/buildings/what have you with containers/corpses perfect for unique item placements. I just don't like the idea of knowing where the Lincoln's Repeater is now and the temptation to grab it ASAP with a new game.


- The STR carrying bonus needs to be reworked in my opinion. I feel that the base carry weight needs to be brought down and the bonus weight per point in STR needs to be brought back up. The difference between 2 STR and 8 STR feels rather miniscule.


- I agree with many others that Power Armor should carry itself for the most part. I feel that the CHA should be significantly lowered by the helmets as well. At best, the helmet causes the character to come off as a knight/soldier - a follower. At worst the character comes off as lifeless and emotionless.


- Either the rate of Rad accumulation needs to be raised or the amount of rads that the character can safely take needs to be significantly lowered. Radiation should be dangerous.


- I'm not sure if this is in the game already or not (I seem to stumble across new quests surprisingly often), but I'd like to see Three Dog (who I hate, by the way) give the character a quest to destroy all of the patrolling Eyebots. F*** the Enclave! Fight the Good Fight!


- Where the hell are my Traits, Bethesda?! This mod is definitely a step in the right direction, but it's still very much in it's beta stage.


- I'm a big fan of the Cross Repair mods, but I think they could use some more tweaking. Basically they allow you to repair weapons/armor with similar weapons/armor. Unfortunately this mod conflicts with a good few other mods out there.


- The way repairs are handled seriously needs to be looked at. I don't think that it should be possible to repair your weapon in the middle of a firefight. I feel that out in the field you should only be able to repair your weapons to a certain degree, but when you repair at a work bench you're able to repair to your full potential, or maybe beyond your potential by 5-10%.


- I saw that someone brought this up already, but WE NEED WEATHER EFFECTS! I'd like to see the rare radioactive rain storm. I'd also like to see (as well as HEAR) some stronger wind, and get caught in the occasional wasteland windstorm.


- An hour of rest cures all sickness and heals all wounds in vanilla FO3. This is silly. I feel that the amount of time should rely on your Medicine skill, and having a First Aid Kit or maybe My First Infirmary should speed that up even more.


- Weapon accuracy/damage/spread/range/velocity/durability needs to be reviewed across the board. I'd prefer it if the difference in damage across the whole spectrum were a little less drastic, though I imagine this wouldn't work well from a gameplay standpoint. I just would like the option to use the 10mm/Chinese Pistol/Laser anything if I grow fond of it without completely gimping myself. Speaking of lasers. . .


- . . . why the hell are they so weak? Seriously. In the original games Laser weapons were something to look forward to (and you didn't get them until much later). Here they're worse than your average Assault Rifle and you can get some right after stepping out of the vault. Also, why the hell did Bethesda axe the Original designs for the Laser and Plasma weapons? I really don't get Bethesda. Their art department has some of the worst taste in the industry, but I'm getting a bit sidetracked. Can someone please bring back the Laser and Plasma weaponry of the original Fallouts?


- Dismember/behead chances should vary depending on the weapon/ammo used. 10mm ammo should not be gibbing raiders or popping heads without the Bloody Mess perk, but that's a bit more reasonable with .44 magnum rounds. I feel that enemies fall apart too easily in general, but I know that's just me.


- We should simply be able to use the iron sights on our weapons. Get with the times, Bethesda.


- Oftentimes in dialogue you can say something mean to a character and they will remark appropriately in their response, but after that they'll completely forget that you're the biggest %&$! in the wastes. It'd be fairly easy to make certain dialogue options remove others, making a-holes unable to pick up quests.


- Sneaking. Ugh. Why is it that I can snipe one super mutie in a group causing his head to explode but none of his friends will give a hoot? Here's the way I feel that sneaking should work. When I snipe an enemy, all enemies in a certain radius (greater if the enemy in question was dismembered/beheaded maybe) should go into an alerted state and "CAUTION" appears atop my screen. In this state the AI should actively look for me (though I'd take a brave, brave soul to make some intelligent AI), but I should still be able to get sneak attack criticals. This way I can choose to keep firing and run the (high) risk of being found, or I can skulk away and let some of the heat die down before sniping again.


- The gibbing of bodies is totally ridiculous. People should be getting hit in arteries, getting disemboweled, exit wounds should be seen. I always understood Bloody Mess as causing gruesome, horrific, nauseating deaths.


- Dogmeat needs better AI and animations. He just doesn't act very much like a dog. If I'm sneaking, he should sneak too and wait for my "go." He should want to play with other friendly dogs. There are so many doggy things that my doggy doesn't do. I let Dogmeat die because to me he isn't a faithful, lovable canine companion.


Whew! That was a big list! To any of you who made it through, congratz!

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Oops. I forgot a couple of things.


- It's WAY too easy to be good in this game. This mod sets out to fix that. Keep up the good work!


- Why is it that humanity forgot how to clean as soon as the bombs hit? People haven't even bothered clearing the rubble away in their own homes for the most part (Temple of the Union for example). Beds are filthy (though this mod addresses that). I don't imagine that it'd be that hard to find paint out there somewhere either, so why is it that no one's bothered to use it?


- For some reason the rad suits leave your Pip-Boy hand uncovered. Doesn't that defeat the purpose?


- I'd like to see a darker Stormchaser Hat (like this) that has the gas mask/wrap portion of the Merc Veteran outfit added. That one is just my personal taste.


- Another personal taste one, but I'd love to see someone bring over the Red 9 from Resident Evil 4. The Chinese Pistol is great, but if the sounds and animations would match, the stock were included, and the accuracy/damage brought up as a unique weapon, I might just wet myself with glee.


- Jin-Roh Power Armor. I agree.

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Deification mod (everyone needs to pee, this mod will allow you to do so)

funny, but defecation and deification are quite different.

one is what comes out of your bowels, the other makes you into a god.


I know, I know, the difference is hard to tell sometimes :P

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oops D:



Btw About


Sneaking. Ugh. Why is it that I can snipe one super mutie in a group causing his head to explode but none of his friends will give a hoot? Here's the way I feel that sneaking should work. When I snipe an enemy, all enemies in a certain radius (greater if the enemy in question was dismembered/beheaded maybe) should go into an alerted state and "CAUTION" appears atop my screen. In this state the AI should actively look for me (though I'd take a brave, brave soul to make some intelligent AI), but I should still be able to get sneak attack criticals. This way I can choose to keep firing and run the (high) risk of being found, or I can skulk away and let some of the heat die down before sniping again.


I had an idea for "fixing" ai..


First, make all non-quest ai friendly to the player, but attach a script to the ones that are supposed to be enemies.


When the player is within sight of the ai and relatively close, check if the ai is attached to an animal effected by the animal lover perk and do that.. or wait a few seconds.. and then turn hostile

Maybe also activate this script when they hear gunshots or see "friendly" ai dying or under attack.. as well as activating on sight.


This would eliminate companions randomly running off.. would feel more realistic.. and would eliminate the silly "WHO'S THERE" type shouts untill the npc (roleplay wise) would actually know there was a hostile nearby.


should also add a clause to the script that detected if you used a melee or silenced weapon.. if the npc wasn't killed in view of the other npcs then the script wouldn't turn them hostile.. silenced kill!


Would that work any? Wouldn't really need to modify ai.. simply attach a script.




NukaCola revamped?


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