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Stardew Valley

Mods I'd Like, and All The Thumbs-Down on Mods


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1. I'd really like to have a mod that reduces the footprint of the Slime Hutch, and tones down the weird purple stone it's made of. A gray stone tower would be nice. Why would slimes need as much farm space as cows? I just don't like having this building on my farm as it is.

2. I detest the television. It doesn't match my farmhouse. I try to disguise it with plants, but it can't be done well enough. Could a daily newspaper arrive on the front step with the same recipes, tips, weather and luck forecasts? Once read it could become Soggy Newspaper to be recycled into torches or cloth. Or would this mod be too hard to do?

3. I've married, but characters still make romantic gestures or want romantic 10 heart events. It's not that I want to discourage you, Penny, but it's creepy that you still want to see me in my swimsuit THAT way. Couldn't we talk about something that doesn't come off as being "emotional affair" material, now that I have a slightly jealous partner in SDV?

4. I changed my mind. I want fruit in my cave, not mushrooms. Come back, Demetrius, and let's do the other experiment now.

5. Harvey's apartment is empty now. I don't want to buy Pam and Penny a better house than I have. How about this: Pam gets to keep the trailer, and Penny moves in to the empty apartment? Or Abigail, or Shane, or Sam. That should be worth a few hearts. Then I just add some new skirting and siding to the trailer, and Pam can live in the squalor she prefers without making the town suffer for it.

I want to learn how to make mods, but these ideas seem too complicated for starting points.

Now...I'm noticing that new mods have a handful of thumbs-ups, and massive thumbs-down, even before they've had many downloads. Is somebody bringing their troll lifestyle to nexus, and just being mean for no reason I can see? I really depend on the thumbs up and down system to give me information about how well mods work and if they're likely to cause crashes. If there are no reported bugs, there shouldn't be thumbs-downs, right? Somebody needs a good talking-to.

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This is the Site Feedback and Suggestions Forum. This should have been posted 'Mod Requests' Forum for the game that you are wanting the mods for. You didn't mention it's name or I could have redirected you.



The Rabbit

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Topic noved from the Website Feedback forum.


Also, we do not have downvotes. Your only choices are: you either endorse a mod or not. You probably mistook the number next to the "down" arrow that indicates the number of downloads for downvotes.

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