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chemically based Super BB



Steam Gauge Assembly (under barrel)

2 paint guns (one foregrip, second pistol grip)

Surgical Tubing

chemicals (3 nuke cola quantum, jet, abraxo cleaner, 3 Turpentine, sugar bombs, wonderglue, fire ant nectar)


" Paint guns, one with mixture of abraxo and turpentine and second with mixture of jet and cola, blows few drops in steam gauge. This mixture makes highly volatile gas which pressurize steam gauge.

During fire, highly pressurized gas react with BBs (which was soaked in mixture of wonderglue, powdered sugar bombs and fire nectar). BB fly out from rifle with high velocity and get fire on air."




positive - high damage, silenced, burning damage, higher firerate,

negative - BBs are a little unique ammo, hight weight, Low durability (hight pressure and aggressive chemicals), many parts

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im updating it soon. i want crit deaths to explode body parts every time. red ryder was always good for that


I hope that you make classics Red Ryder Deluxe - based on model of F3 BB rifle. I think, that some little changes of texture (Red Ryder DeLuxe logo) and higher damage (25 as original) and critical rate will be enough.

And only 25 bb magazine because "Bigger pressure tank of this model from limited edition requested decreasing of magazine capacity".



If some model changes then only decently longer barrel (less then 10%) and little increased underbarrel (gas tank) radius.

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