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What Inspired your character

Hunter Killer

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My character - although I haven't played for a while - is a young nord with long

blond hair (I use Rhedd's Heads) What inspired me in making such a

character was probably my study of germanic philology and norse mythology

in general. In fact, I at first called him Hildebrand (which is a character who

appears frequently in several germanic tales) and then Hygelac (Beowulf's uncle).


P.S.= You didn't spell inspired wrong, don't worry :)

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I recently started a new character, having tired of my old one. I wanted him to be one of a kind (a unique race), and I saw the Snow Elf race mod on Euro-Morrowind (which is very good might I add).

He is called Eihlas and is based off the Snow Prince from the book "The Fall of the Snow Prince" found in Jolgdier Barrow on Solstheim. There wasn't much information given about him, aside from he weilded "a spear of an unknown magicka" and that he cut down swaths of enemys during the battle of the Moesrings. Eihlas approprietly wields the Spear of the Snow Prince found in the same barrow. And he resides in his newly aquired Castle Karstaag... :P


How's that, a morrowind character based off of a morowind character... :D

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my character is inspired by Nosferatu... he is an extreemly powerful warrior and godkiller (tribunal mainquest, some fun with vivec). He is also a vampire who sails the seas via Fishing Academy mod and has a host of Vampire slaves, servants, cattle, and mistresses via Vampiric Embrace, a few slave mods and my own Vampiric Lair mod (which will eventually be realeased to the public when It is completely done).
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