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Adding an item to archive.


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I am attempting to add a new wall piece to the retaining wall section of homemaker, trying to put the nif in the archive, however, archive2 does indeed add it, just not in the right place. Do I need to extract the entire archive, add my file to the extracted folder, and then repack it to get it to show up in the right spot?

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Did you tried using the "add folder" option? if the file includes the relative path this option should use it. I guess you would need to recreate the folders structure and place only your file, so when you select the parent folder of the path it will include the whole path to the file when you add it to the archive.

Edited by DieFeM
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Did you tried using the "add folder" option? if the file includes the relative path this option should use it. I guess you would need to recreate the folders structure and place only your file, so when you select the parent folder of the path it will include the whole path to the file when you add it to the archive.

Yeah, I tried that, didn't work as planned. :smile: I just unpacked the entire archive, dropped my file into the correct spot, then repacked it. That seems to have worked.


Now, it appears, I also have to create the directory structure in my data files folder, so I can add the new item to the game... I am guessing I need to create the static first, and then do the 'constructable' object part?


Edit: Yep, that worked. Object is ingame, and appears to work as I wanted. :) Awesome.

Edited by HeyYou
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