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Water Texture Issue


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The pictures explain the issue better than my words could ever.


To fix it I've tried shutting off Water Reflections completely, lowering the settings to medium, and I still get these odd results.


My system is Windows 7, 16GB RAM, core i7 processor, Nvidia 590 graphics card. My settings are on Ultra with Antialiasing 8, Aniosotropic Filtering 15 samples, Vertical Sync and HDR.


I do not have anything that replaces the water textures (to be sure I looked and I don't even have Data\Textures\Water\). The only mod I have that affects the exterior is Project Reality but I've tried running without it and the effect is the same. cyrus224 advised me to post my problem here with the pictures and see what could be done.


Thanks in advance.



This one is full detail on highest settings



This is with full detail ticked off



This is with all reflections ticked off


Please help.

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This is going to kill me if no one can help.


I've spent 2 hours trying to help figure this out for them, and can't find any similar issues.I've googled it all.


I've given DirectX fixes, CyrusFyre reinstalled the entire game and all mods, i looked over CyrusFyre's entire ini file, we went through changing settings like reflections and water texture detail, CyrusFyre turned all the settings to different levels, removed mods,


Drivers have been checked, Direct X has been checked, we even tried using the Nvidia Perf Fix from New Vegas.


Mods are minimal, and as I said, were removed and checked...


heres a really strange factor


When I move. If I load the game it's not there, the water looks okay. But if I move that circle appears centered on my character but if I just keep running I can slowly outrun it until I'm out of it and it stays wherever it was when I outran it. But the water does not react to my presence, no ripples and such. If enter a new body of water a new circle appears and the old one disappears.
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Okay I've narrowed it down to water displacement. It seems the ripple effect is much bigger than it should be but I"ve no idea how to fix it. Or even how that happened. Or that that could even happen. :wacko:
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  • 2 weeks later...
If your computer is set up in SLI mode, this problem will crop up. To resolve this issue, simply disable SLI and have your secondary cards go PhysX. As for a SLI compatible solution, I have yet to figure it out myself.
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How does one do that exactly? I think I know but I don't just want to start messing with things without a guide or instructions or something. If you could post a link to a detailed guide or if you feel generous enough to type it up there yourself I'd be very appreciative and I'm willing to try it if I am able. Thanks so much.
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How does one do that exactly? I think I know but I don't just want to start messing with things without a guide or instructions or something. If you could post a link to a detailed guide or if you feel generous enough to type it up there yourself I'd be very appreciative and I'm willing to try it if I am able. Thanks so much.

Simply find your NVIDIA Control Panel and goto 3D Settings >> Configure SLI, Surround, PhysX. In the SLI box, pick Disable SLI. For PhysX Settings, pick Auto-select. Like so:




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Thanks but mine doesn't look like that. Where yours says Disable SLI mine says Disable multiple GPU mode. So I'm thinking I don't have mine set up as SLI. That's what I was thinking but I wasn't sure. Ah well. Thanks anyway.
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Oh okay. Cool. Then I can try that. Wonder if that would help with the problem I'm having with Mass Effect 1 as well. My husband is hardware savvy, I'm more software so these things I do not know and he wasn't available to ask. He was working and pestering him at work to help with video games and computer stuff is heavily frowned upon. Heck contacting him to let him know I was having our baby was "frowned upon" so meh what can you do? lol Thanks. ^_^



Edit: I've finally had a chance to try the suggestion and am pleased to announce that the water is now normal looking with normal sized ripples. Yay! So thank you to everyone who tried to help me and it's good advice give it a go to anyone who is also having this problem.

Edited by CyrusFyre
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