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how to generate proper lip files?


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When I click generate it does nothing no lip file is generated , when I press save it overwrites ( as it says ) the already present in the folder wav , but nothingelse ....



Here a pic ...


Also it says wmx or somethling like that how should I convert it to fuz after? Anyway without lip file generation working I am stuck .


Btw My wav is 44100 Mhz 32 bit and stereo , I can preview it fine in the CK and so hear the speech in it , but it doesn't generate lips is it anything related with the higher quality ? Should I change into a mono , 16 bit ?


I have converted to mono and it seems now it does generate the lip files , now I am going to check how do they look ....


Edit: ok the Lip file is generated by a mono track but , the NPC doesn't moves lips at all if not very very rarely once in while , more like a yawn than a speech ... so how can I fix that?


Edit2: I tried to convert it to a 16 mono too but the result is the same ...


so so far results are a mono trace is recognized for generation of the lip files


the results of the lip files are inconsistent with the speech and lips don't move


Converting to a 16 bit didn't make any change ...

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16Bit Mono .wav files 44.100Khz.

Make sure you only have wav files or the sound won't play, for instance if you have both wav and fuz in a file it won't work.

The lip file is made automatically once you place the sound file in the "voices" file (or maybe it was 1 level up in "sound"? can't remember) and name it "Temp" then hit the save button.

Edited by DizzasterJuice
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