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Is everything you meet stiched together like Frankenstein's Monste


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I'll admit... Back when I played FO1, I fell for the Bloody Mess trait. I loved it. One plink from my wee 10mm pistol and someone's chest exploded. Woo, cool. Until the 100th or so, at least.


Now, 2 FO games later (and more than a few years of maturity), I've learned I can live without the constant over-the-top death animations and gore. However, even without the newly-reinvented Bloody Mess Perk, I can't seem to go more than 1 in 10 kills without removing a head or limb. (And, on another, completely unfixable, note... Why is it that a bullet will take a head clean off, like a +3 Vorpal Blade, rather than pop it like a watermelon, or a Protectron's sensor bubble? Oh, well... I'll chalk that up with the 'How can I loot a Raider's inventory from his jawbone that's lyng 10ft away from the rest of him?' question.)


Is there a way to REDUCE the chance of decapitation or dismemberment, even if killed with a critical hit to a specific body part in VATS? (Critical one-shot-kills seem to happen pretty often as a sniper...)


I'd like the removal of an enemy's head, arm, or leg to be commented with a cringing "Ooh, that had to hurt" rather than a sarcastic "Oh, another head rolling down the hallway... Whoopee, never seen that before."

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Well... I'm not wanting to turn it off. Just vastly reduce the chances.


Blowing a guy's head off in 1-in-20 kills is fine, but having it be more 4-in-5 gets a bit old. I think I've had under 10 humanoid kills involving a headshot that didn't involve finding a cranium down the street/hall. (and those likely were RNG 'misses' that hit the torso or arms)


Will likely have to wait on the release of the SDK to see if there are any values that could be tweaked one way, or the other. (As in, how does the 'Bloody Mess' perk actually work?)



Was replying when you popped in LHammonds... Thanks, will give it a look.

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on no circumstance take the "Bloody Mess" perk, this will greatly reduce chance of gorey deaths :P


On a more serious note, i find shooting the torso has least chance of gore, if that helps.

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