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Jin Roh Power Armor


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i see lots of people have no idea what power armor IS >_> well thats kinda Bethesdas fault...

when in power armor, soldier 'turns' into a small tank, not into some f*ing knight from elder scrolls :(

this is nice armor, but its not 'power'.


More accurately, power armour is a powered exoskeleton with armour plating added. The reason for powered exoskeletons is to enhance your strength (significantly). Adding armour to that powered exoskeleton turns you into a bit of a one man panzer.


The suits in the game add 2 points of strength, just enough strength to negate the weight of the armour they are laden with. That's really all that's required, as it can be quite difficult moving with all of that armour, but the DR given (for the standard BoS armour) seems a bit pathetic; it's only marginally better than my Ranger armour, which offers far less protection. True they also offer a piddling amount of radiation resistance, too, but so could an armoured rad suit.


It would be my opinion that powered armours in the game should do one of two things in order to not be more of a detriment than anything else, either double your strength and increase your jump height and distance, or offer significantly more damage resistance.


Now, as far as this thread topic's Protect Gear armour used in Red Spectacles, Stray Dog: Kerberos Panzer Cops and Jin-RohL The Wolf Brigade, they are absolutely not powered suits. They are very heavily armoured, yes, and that is evidenced by how much punishment the users could take; but they were definitely not powered. The entire series takes place in the mid 20th century. Heavy armour yes, powered armour, no.


P.S. If you aren't sure what real power armour is, read (don't watch) Robert Heinlein's Starship Troopers.

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thanks for the more acurate definition and i do think the power armor in the game must let you take murch more damage than it does

on a different topic for a sec why hasn't anyone thought of the crysis exo suit (dose that count as a power armor although i dont think so based)

also dosn't the jin-roh armor have night vision.

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Jin-Roh is set in an alternate '50s. The glowing eyes is night vision.



Fuse is lucky he has main character protection shields. The old 50's protect gear was useless against battle rifle caliber rounds. Even in Stray Dog, or spectacles (set in the 90's), the JSDF tears apart some Panzer cops with an MG-42, so, at best, maybe it could take a couple full caliber rounds, but anything armor piercing, full sized, or sheer bombardment, would tear it apart.


It would be a cool armor though.

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i see lots of people have no idea what power armor IS >_> well thats kinda Bethesdas fault...

when in power armor, soldier 'turns' into a small tank, not into some f*ing knight from elder scrolls :(

this is nice armor, but its not 'power'.


More accurately, power armour is a powered exoskeleton with armour plating added. The reason for powered exoskeletons is to enhance your strength (significantly). Adding armour to that powered exoskeleton turns you into a bit of a one man panzer.


The suits in the game add 2 points of strength, just enough strength to negate the weight of the armour they are laden with. That's really all that's required, as it can be quite difficult moving with all of that armour, but the DR given (for the standard BoS armour) seems a bit pathetic; it's only marginally better than my Ranger armour, which offers far less protection. True they also offer a piddling amount of radiation resistance, too, but so could an armoured rad suit.


It would be my opinion that powered armours in the game should do one of two things in order to not be more of a detriment than anything else, either double your strength and increase your jump height and distance, or offer significantly more damage resistance.


Now, as far as this thread topic's Protect Gear armour used in Red Spectacles, Stray Dog: Kerberos Panzer Cops and Jin-RohL The Wolf Brigade, they are absolutely not powered suits. They are very heavily armoured, yes, and that is evidenced by how much punishment the users could take; but they were definitely not powered. The entire series takes place in the mid 20th century. Heavy armour yes, powered armour, no.


P.S. If you aren't sure what real power armour is, read (don't watch) Robert Heinlein's Starship Troopers.


Actually, I think the Protect Gear in Jin-Roh IS power armor in the literal sense. I've seen it about 3 times in Japanese and 2 times in English, and I seem to remember in the training scene that the recruits mention that the suit enhances their movement but limits their vision.


I also own Red Spectacles, Stray Dogs, and english-translated version of the original manga (translated and distributed by Dark Horse, called "Hellhounds"). As far as I can tell, because of the real-life chronology of the production, it seems like the fictionally earlier protect gear is superior in every way to the fictionally later protect gear, especially in design.


I was just thinking about a mod based on Jin-Roh and a Kerberos faction (and a zombie mod...) when I found this thread.


As for in-game stats...

Metal Armor: DR 36 WG 30 AGL -1

Ranger Armor: DR 39 WG 27 random stats

Power Armor: DR 40 WG 45 STR +2 AGL -2 Rad Res +10


So I'd say something like DR 40, it provides more physical protection than Ranger Armor (just look at them) and we can assume that Protect Gear has been kept modern until the breakout of the war. WG at 35 or so, as again it's generally much more armor than both Metal Armor and Ranger Armor. The only other stat would be something like +15 Big Guns for how the armor is designed around "big guns" in terms of the armor layout and ammo storage. Unlike power armor, it's not overly encumbering nor powered enough to provide tangible stat boosts. It's also not a fully enclosed set of armor, so it wouldn't give radiation resistance.


The helmet would be something like DR 6 and WG 6 (same DR as ranger headgear, 1 more WG), PER -1 or 2 for the limiting field of vision of the night vision, Poison Res +10 for the gas mask, and some way to include night vision.




As for actual development, I can start working on models for the armor in the near future. I can also help with story development; I'd hope it's a fairly good story arc such that people don't see the mod as simply "shoehorning" another universe's gear into fallout.

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