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Download Error?


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FWIW, although you said you use NMM, (as does Jim), speaking as a Vortex only user, I haven't had even one failure of Vortex during a download since last February in probably 500 or 600 downloads, although Nexus has gone "500" several times while I'm on the site. Not sure if that's their hosting service, an active deployment, or other maintenance, or possibly overseas cable congestion (Isn't Nexus hosted out of Britain?)


Personally, I suspect you had some sort of local bottle-necking or similar, or you ran into a 500 error from Nexus during a download. The net ain't perfect.

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FWIW, although you said you use NMM, (as does Jim), speaking as a Vortex only user, I haven't had even one failure of Vortex during a download since last February in probably 500 or 600 downloads, although Nexus has gone "500" several times while I'm on the site. Not sure if that's their hosting service, an active deployment, or other maintenance, or possibly overseas cable congestion (Isn't Nexus hosted out of Britain?)


Personally, I suspect you had some sort of local bottle-necking or similar, or you ran into a 500 error from Nexus during a download. The net ain't perfect.

I had dozens of failures between last christmas and new year with Vortex, when the servers got glitchy. NMM mostly got through but it took a few stop-and-goes to reel-in a download. There's server space in Chicago too. I'm using that one.

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Fair enough, but afaik, you also have been mixing an attempt to use vortex with your more "historic" use of another manager. And you've said yourself that using both NMM/MO2 AND vortex is or can be problematic. I don't doubt that opinion either.


I've used Vortex exclusively, have a modest internet connection (20 down 1 up) and have yet to see even one failure (edit: of a download installation)


In any case, as a web developer for the past decade, I've been called on to solve issues similar to that, and over and over I've found that although my code was admittedly sometimes the issue, most times it was a trunk or node issue, cable-internet congestion, or some other localized issue at the users's end.


As I noted, I have gotten many 500 errors (server down. server can't connect) from Nexus, even as recently as a couple days ago. Usually they occur during the later hours of the evening (EST timezone). So maybe the OP is hitting that Nexus issue during download, idk.


PS> to be honest, I'm not sure where my downloads are being hosted. You noted that there's a Chicago server. I'd guess that's where I'm connecting (In Clevo) but really I have no idea as I haven't checked.

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