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S.t.a.l.k.e.r like shooting


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I still have fallout 1 & 2 installed and I was playing fallout 1 right up to release, so I understand that the originals were not fps's. I appreciate that about them. The turn-based nature meant even if I wasn't paying attention and was randomly swarmed by an overwhelming force, I could take my sweet time and decide what to do. Fallout 3 is not those games, however, and what we have now is an unsatisfying compromise between Oblivion and fallout, with the shooting mechanics of GUN. It just isn't satisfying to know that so many things are not right about the shooting.


Agreed, something must be done about the auto-aim. It provides a disincentive to actually try to hit the enemy, which is plain wrong. After playing Fallout 3 for a week, I find myself playing Counterstrike:Source clicking when the crosshair is just near the person but not lined up - much to my chagrin. I cannot express with a keyboard the amount of frustration I feel in this game with the auto-aim and stupid zoom mode which should have just been iron sights to begin with. Iron sights are the correct way to aim a gun that doesn't have a scope unless you are shooting from the hip. Iron sights would serve exactly the same purpose as the zoom-in, but would be much more satisfying, esp with auto-aim off.


That said, there is a major technical hurdle to making accurate gun mechanics in this game: The guns do not all actually even point at the same place as the crosshair, the game uses the auto-aim to make up for this. I think the 3rd person models would need to be changed as well. Disabling auto-aim may also completely disable VATS- fine by me, but many people consider it part of the core gameplay. Also, has anyone noticed that your character aims the hunting rifle at the ground about 10 ft in front of him/herself whenever you look at them in 3d person?


There are tons of problems with the shooting in the game, like a complete lack of a sense of recoil. Having beaten the game and maxed my small guns skill very early, I was extremely let down that I still couldn't hit an enemy with my sniper rifle at ranges that frankly, are not even approaching real sniping range. A true sniper with good equipment (bipod, rifle, scope) can hit a target in excess of a mile away ( I know OP already knows this but some reading my not). While we're at it, how about deployable bipods on the weapons that should have them. I would like to see "zoom in" replaced for the gatling-type guns and replaced with "deploy bipod". And if you start shooting one of those without deploying the bipod, it should start pointing into the dirt really fast due to the weight. We should be able to cook grenades so they explode at the target and don't bounce around a bunch first. But we should be forced to get the timing right and pay the price if we don't throw it soon enough.While moving, weapons should have much less accuracy, and while running the gun should be held realistically not straight forward. Higher-velocity rounds should actually appear to move faster to the target than their slower cousins. Leaning around corners would be nice eventually. I know people are working on some of these things but maybe if we can get some kind of "realism roundtable" or something going we can get agreement and cooperation and make this happen.


Other things I'd like to see in this mod

+ breathing should cause rifle sway consistent with the circumstances - it should be worst while standing after sprinting and easier while crouched or standing still, etc.

+ make the scroll wheel function as next / prev weapon - I see this being based on the 8 hotkeys you assign from within the pip-boy.

+ add a bind for throwing a grenade without having the unequip your primary weapon. maybe all rifles need slings so that this makes sense instead of dropping the weapon or just somehow stashing it instantly.

+ better enemy AI - I would love it if I constantly had to worry about being outflanked and outmaneuvered by the AI instead of them being so predictable.

+ destructable items!!!!! - how come explosives never hurt wooden doors in this game? Even the original Fallout games had that!


Let's have some more people weigh in on this, please. I also wonder just what is possible depending on if they release the construction set or not.



i would just like to point out that most sniper rifles can not fire and kill at an excess of a mile as most sniper rifle use 7.62 mm ammunition wich has a Maximum effective range of only 1000m and only higher calibre rifles like the M82 can fire over such range just to note the longest sniper kill stands at 2,286 metres by a Canadian sniper using a McMillan Tac-50 Long Range Sniper Weapon (LRSW)






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The bullets do have an arcing effect and probably only a small derivative of the arrow arcing in Oblivion only on higher speed projectiles which is something that doesn't work as it should in FO. We'd need to disable arcing entirely or find the correct value that would match real life as closely as possible, if it is even possible to change in FO and isn't hardcoded crap.
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Darqspeaker have a point here. There is no sense at comparing categories too different like a shooter and a RPG. It is just good if someone manages and succeed to make a mod (conversion in this case) to turn FO3 a FPS, there will be the ones that will be happy and the others (like me) that will just skip it...


More important is being aware changes like that may do no good to the game. Anyone expecting FO3 as a shooter will find a pale shadow of those mediocre ones even. the motive is simple: The engine isn't designed to this task. Yet, something can and probably will be done to "better" the shooting. Just remember if you expected a good FPS you bought the wrong title.

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Don't forget also that the amount of time it takes to kill someone with a gun in this game is not very realistic either. It doesn't take 10 shots from a gun that shoots 5.56 rounds to kill someone, it takes one. However to balance this it would also have to increase damage done to the player as well, and for it to not be TOO realistic. I would say about half the amount of shots kill someone and half the amount of shots kills you. It would also be good to increase explosives damage. I mean really, how the hell does someone survive a missile to the chest?
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this is a fp-rpg.. imo.. so when you shoot at anyone then it's an fps.. when you walk around talking to people it's an rpg.. u can still role play all u want in what way u want and still have realistic shooting... paintball and softgun play war, is somewhat an rpg type of thing.. but still. u dont run around the paintball field rolling a dice to figure out if u hit or not... same thing in real war.. no dice.. only pysics and bullets.. and alot of crazy people..
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