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bDisableGearedup=1 is destroying my Skyrim experience


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So after seeing a "mod" on the nexus that helped you add a small line to your skyrimprefs.ini file, my Skyrim experience has been wrecked. That line is "bDisableGearedup=1". It allows your character to show multiple weapons sheathed on himself at one time. However for me it brought various major glitches. Firstly, the weapon roles get messed up. For example, sometimes when I try to shoot while having a sheathed bow and two handed sword equipped, I might shoot with the two handed sword. Secondly and most important, it resets all weapon damage to base. So even though I'm 100 range and have massive enchantment boosts, the damage my Epirus Bow (Bow of the Gods, which used to do ~400 damage) does, is set to 90.


When I remove the line form my ini.file or I set the value to "0" it will be disabled, but as soon as I restart Skyrim, everything is still messed up. I can find no way to permanently disable this "mod".


This thread has two reasons. The first is warning everything that this "mod" might permanently destroy your Skyrim experience. The second one is to ask if anyone knows a way to disable this bloody thing.



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It's not a mod, it's an ini edit.




Try removing all the items from your favorites, this should remove them visually from your character. Save, exit, remove the line from your skyrim.ini, save and restart game.


Just tested this myself as working right.

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It's not a mod, it's an ini edit.




Try removing all the items from your favorites, this should remove them visually from your character. Save, exit, remove the line from your skyrim.ini, save and restart game.


Just tested this myself as working right.

and that resets the damage to the correct amount^?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Try removing all the items from your favorites, this should remove them visually from your character. Save, exit, remove the line from your skyrim.ini, save and restart game.


Just tested this myself as working right.


This didn't work for me at all, sadly. I had no idea even having the line in the ini would mess up your game. I started a new game having the line in the ini, but set to '1' (disabled), and it still messed up my weapon slots. I noticed this starts to happen if you switch favourited weapons in the combat stance. Doing the 'clean save' method you described didn't fix this.


When I remove the line form my ini.file or I set the value to "0" it will be disabled, but as soon as I restart Skyrim, everything is still messed up. I can find no way to permanently disable this "mod".


Yes, it's really weird.I am completely boggled.



I just figured out why my game continue to behave as if the damn ini entry was enabled when I had deleted it from the ini and started a new game. But before I go into detail, I just want to ask, raven1645, are you using 'Mod Organizer'...?

Edited by ripple
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