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Latest Flower Girls SE and VR mod in Vortex uses ESP plugin?


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I have used Vortex to successfully mod my reinstall of Skyrim SE on a new gaming rig, and followed Gopher's mod list for many mods. However, I installed the latest Flower Girls SE & VR mod and three others that now say they need an esm versus an esp . This comes up under the Missing Masters error in Vortex, listing three mods that claim that "three enabled plugins depend on FlowerGirls SE esm. I have reinstalled all in order, run FNIS tool for users, and such. A last posting I read stated that after 2.0, an esm would replace the esp, and the current mod is 3.4.1. Yet I get this error and so am missing spells and more I think (from my last modding of Skyrim SE on another computer a while back which had the spells and all working). So why am I seeing this dependency if after version 2.0, the author used an esm? The game plays fine, but just is leaving out some content that I have for some reason on the other PC with SE installed and this mod and others. Any easy way to find out or change (or should I even change) the esp to an esm?

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