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nothing fancy - just make me fat


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hello. I want to make the default imperial female mesh more thick round the middle. With nifskope, ive been able to make my body and legs plump by simply resizing certain nodes (spine 2, etc). ive saved the nif files as they were (and even moved the BSA archive to make sure oblivion doesnt use it) and yet i still appear trim when i play. any advice on how to put on the pounds...and KEEP them?
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You will probably only see those edits on nude characters. A clothing mesh equips in place of the body, not on top of it. That's why there aren't even more body mods than there are - to really see one in your game you have to have full clothing and armor support for it.
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Yep, I've actually been thinking about adding some clothes for 'larger' characters sometime down the road after I finish my current project. It'd be kind of nice to see varying body-types, having a 'fat merchant' and such would really increase immersion if you ask me. That's one thing I think Oblivion (and Fallout 3) failed miserably at, which was having NPCs with varying body-weights throughout the game.
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Robert has even made some "fat" and "skinny" male meshes, which are available from the mod section at Slof's Hive (adult content warning there). I don't know of any similar fem ones yet, though - I made a BBW FF version but never released it because I wasn't willing to do all the clothing/armor work inherent (though I would like to play a character like that, given that it's my RL body type and I'm not ashamed of it).
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Once again thank you for the info SickleYield. My own mod will need many body types and since I am going to be doing them myself I am going to be learning a lot over the next few months. Even though I suspected the armor of replacing the body, I wasn't sure. I don't think I should have the problem with the armor not fitting the player because none of my new races will be playable and the armor they will wear will not be removable after death.
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I'm beta testing another mod that uses that method for NPC's - I think it's a good way to go, especially since that avoids conflict with player body mods (and I don't use the most popular one). I wish you the best of luck with your project, and I'm always up for help when you have questions.
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wow, first of all NICE COMMUNITY. I was expecting some snobby comments and not much help. Cool ok, so if i were to get a mesh of a nice dress or something, i could change the dimensions on that and in effect have a "fat suit". I did kill a passer by and strip her off when testing my mod and see the same old vanilla body.

I totally agree about different body types and immersion - and also that having some plus size women in Tamriel would make playing it a nice experience for me personally. Hope someone gets it done if i don't.


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Did you save your edited version in meshes/characters/_male and use an archive invalidator like the one in Oblivion Mod Manager? Sometimes that will be necessary if you weren't using a body mod before.


Resizing a dress should work, yes. Honestly, though, your best bet on getting something that looks the way you want will probably involve editing in a modeling program like Blender or Max.


And yes, this community has gotten a lot nicer in recent months thanks to liberal use of the banhammer by scrupulous moderators. ;)

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I'm beta testing another mod that uses that method for NPC's - I think it's a good way to go, especially since that avoids conflict with player body mods (and I don't use the most popular one). I wish you the best of luck with your project, and I'm always up for help when you have questions.


I'd love to know how your beta works. If you'd like I could test it for you also. That may even help me to learn how to do it. With a suggestion by LHammond I have completely "cleaned" my system. I have a fresh install of the game and absolutely no mods. I only install my own mods long enough to go ingame and test the work I have done. This assures me that my mods are not dependent on any others and assists with the cleaning of them before release.

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No, I'm beta testing it for Middark. ;D It's called the Heart of the Dead and it's a large quest mod with some awesome new areas and characters. PM him here and ask him about it. I'm pestering him on this forum since the forum his WIP is on (Canadian Ice & Howndog's place) is down at the moment due to attacks on the host's server.


The method is fairly easy, though - if used for NPCs only. It basically comes down to naming the body materials in clothing something other than "skin" so it uses a skin texture you include with the mod instead of the player's system textures. He has full bodies saved for when an NPC dies and/or is looted, although I'm not sure how he scripted that part of it.

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