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Forging Problem


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Running - My wife tried a mod that required me to go to the to forge and enter the Misc section. The only problem is she doesn't have a Misc section. I tried it on my computer and it is there, but not on the wife's. They were both are running the same versions. I've tried it with and without any mods but can't locate the problem. I have tried everything I can think of (including coping the Program Files/Skyrim folder from the one working box to the messed up box.
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Men. Always blaming the wife. :rolleyes: Lol.


I have noticed that sections only appear if you have relevant items in your inventory...that is, if you did not have the requisite ingredients to make anything that would be listed under miscellaneous, that option would not show up in the list at all. Just a thought.


Another thought...is skse required for the mod, and if so, are you both running it?

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