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Trimming the lawn (Verdant question)


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Last fall I installed Verdant. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2296


I like the grass, except for one thing. The roads and many of the paved surfaces are thickly coated with 2-1/2 foot tall grass.


Is there any way for me to selectively "trim the grass" (like leave in the woods and fileds, but trim it down or even remove it from roads and other paved surfaces , or alternatively reduce the height of the grass or otherwise tame it a bit? (and if so...how?)


I've grown fond of the skyrim with it in it, but the road situation is driving me crazy, (I can hardly see the pavers) and the other places where one wouldn't think it could grow so well are a tolerable but still irritating nuisance. I'm being a little bit hyperbolic by saying this, but it's like someone hosed down the entirety of the world with a blanket of that spray grass mix they use on highways


Thanks for any help you can offer.



Verdant is in load position 45.

Landscape Fixes for Grass mods is in load position 46

(in case it matters)


Question stands. I followed the instructions in the description tab for Verdant to delete the two grass types in SSEDIT and the grass is still all over the roadways. Not a blade of difference


Ok. nevermind... I should have looked at the mod page for Verdant. it's all spelled out there

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Thanks for the reply Jim. I'll give that mod a try. It's example images don't show much road, but what little I see appear cleared of grass, so maybe that's the ticket.

Veydosebrom is much more diverse and avoids places where normally grass doesn't grow, like on roads or where houses are built. I have a couple of player houses and there's no grass coming through any of the floors. Veydosebrom also doesn't add the same type of grass to every region and the length of the grass varies with each location. Outside Riverwood, for instance, there's places where the grass is long and abundant and a few metres further, the grass is short like a mowed lawn.

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Nice! Exactly what I had been hoping for when I installed Verdant in the first place. Just about to install it. I just disabled verdant and will be opening the game shortly after I drag myself away from the senate hearings (to make sure it's actually gone)

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Can I ask which settings you chose when installing Veydosebrom? I'm not seeing any difference between vanilla and the new mod. I've been outside Whiterun, north towards Heljarchen Hall, on both sides of Falkreath, Riverwood, out into the middle area between Whiterun and Rorikstead and over near lake Inalta at my Waterview home (midway from Rifken and Ivarstead.. All looks vanilla.


(sadly - or stupidly - I didn't write down the ones I chose or I'd present them here)


I don't have things like 3D trees and the other optional mods installed, so I do know I chose vanilla alterations, if that reveals anything of merit.

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Yeah., something's not right. idk if maybe the current version is 2.0.17 required or what, but it's not working, (ground is all vanilla) and moreover, I also discovered installing it broke all my hdt stuff.


I'm reverting for now and will figure it out after I update to 1.5.97/2.0.17


In any case, from the example images on the mod page, it *does look like what I'm hoping for, so it's just a slight hangup... I'm tenacious and will get it sorted out.

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Yeah., something's not right. idk if maybe the current version is 2.0.17 required or what, but it's not working, (ground is all vanilla) and moreover, I also discovered installing it broke all my hdt stuff.


I'm reverting for now and will figure it out after I update to 1.5.97/2.0.17


In any case, from the example images on the mod page, it *does look like what I'm hoping for, so it's just a slight hangup... I'm tenacious and will get it sorted out.

Ah, the link from inside NMM to Veydosebrom ends-up at a deleted version of the mod. If you have or use DropBox I can throw you the earlier version 1.4.1; downloaded in November 2017 which must be for SSE version 1.5.3 or somesuch. Package is 44MB (against 500MB for v1.5c).

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I don't have an immediate solution. I thought there was a mod that prevented grass from sticking through floors, but I can't seem to find it. Or maybe it was for Fallout 4. Anyway, I stopped using Verdant and went for Veydosebrom instead.

this 1 jimmy https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9005?tab=files


btw best solution = don't use any grass mod, works fine for me, i don't like any of them :laugh:

Edited by speedynl
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