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Smarter Enemies DAO ad DAA


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I have been asked many times to re-release this mod but I am skeptical of interest.


The mod needed some work but I got no feedback when originally released. DAO is considerably more complex and layered than DA2.


So to actually do this project I would need testers who provide feedback.


If you are interested please just state so below. If I see enough interest I will release an advanced beta testing file at the end of December.


The testing portion is easy. You just install the beta mod, play the game, and provide feedback on what works well and what does not and what you like and don't like. You would be able to install the mod at the beginning, middle, or end of the game. You can install and uninstall the mod with absolutely no effect on the core game. It is just an override folder mod that changes AI and perhaps increases the talent pool of enemies, so no permanent change to the game.


So all I'm asking testers to do is play the game and provide feedback.


If I get no response then I know to leave it be.


Thank you.

Edited by LemmingoftheGDA
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  • 2 weeks later...

I suspect interest is nil, but I also suspect interest in DAO has waned beyond repair.


I am replaying the game from scratch, if you'd like to post the beta to your mod, I would at least have interest in it. If you've no interest in pursuing the mod, would you mind releasing your source? I am interested in improving enemy AI and your work could help me do the work you may not be interested in doing.


I would be interested in testing such a mod, nevertheless, atleast just to see what you were able to accomplish.

Edited by fourtylashes
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Thank you kind sirah.


My mods are the source. I don't package in DAZIP nor ERF. ERF is incredibly stupid, it just makes a bunch of things look like one. There's something else that does that too. They are called folders.


I just need three intelligent people, that's all. That's all it took for the DA2 version. The DA2 version is a complete and successful mod. How much time did I personally put into testing? Let me give it to you in hours, minutes, and seconds: 0:00:00.


I love modding, I hate testing. That and time. These are my only problems.


500 ud's is a successful non-hair mod in my opinion. I'll be glad to put in three hours for 500 people who would enjoy this. Three hours is the least you'd put in to throw a party for 500 people, right?


So it sounds like two other people is all I need. That's it. Keep your fingers crossed.

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I'd be willing to test the mod, always interested in anything to make the combat more realistic.


I have your smarter party for DAO and DAA, like it quite a bit. Don't have and haven't played DA2 for pc, not planning on getting it (or actually ever playing it again), so I have no frame of reference for a DAO version, which is good and bad.


Let me know what you decide to do.

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Thank you Kajana. I am humbled by your response.


Don't worry about DA2. Don't even think about DA2. It has nothing to do with this project.


This project, if a success, will CHANGE THE GAME. It will force players to completely rethink tactics and strategies, thus making the battle portion of this game a completely new experience. It does not add health, it does not add damage, it just makes enemies much more like intelligent players, and so challenges you like nothing else currently out there.


This is turning out like the Magnificent Seven (or Samurai Seven). I'm getting excited!

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Interesting. I'm very interested in what you're doing then, I wish I'd your DA2 mod while I was... replaying it. Yuck.


Well, to put it bluntly, I'm putting a youtube video together analyzing DA2's gameplay faults, mostly for the benefit of game designers. It has some pretty AWFUL monster variety, itemization, and level design that anyone making an RPG should be aware of avoiding. Although I don't fancy myself a professional game designer, I do program. It would be interesting to compare your DA2 mod against the base enemy AI and see what you changed to accomplish this, to see how hard or easy it would have been, to make DA2 challenging and thoughtful. I'll have to download it, though I don't think I can stomach another replay of DA2, I can at least give you some proper feedback on DA:O.


If you've any interest in being a professional game designer though, I'd say what you're doing is great. I mean, you could be the man who "fixed DA2" as far as I know :P. Such a title would get you hired if I were managing BioWare.

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Not tried your other mods yet, but the idea appeals strongly to me. Nightmare is beginning to become to much of a stroll in the park because the opposition seems too dumb to understand what's happening. if your mod can put spice into the game and force us to think again about how we play, then I'm in favour and you can count me in. Keep me posted please!
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Well, the main problem I can identify with DA2 is that


A) There is no enemy diversity, all mages have the same spell pool (1 aoe knockback / dmg spell, 1 teleport, 1 self-shield); all other enemies are melee or archer

B) There is no AI, at the hardest difficulty, the only viable strategy is kiting


DA:O at least has much greater enemy diversity, but AI is still basic, enemies have no self preservation instincts and can be easily lured or kited into traps. They don't work as a team and just do... whatever.


In the case of both games, I do think that... if you're going to increase enemy AI, you also need to increase the number of viable strategies for the player. But maybe DA:O has enough mechanics DA2 doesn't that it should be okay, balance-wise.

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There are others, who are not listed here, who will also help.


I'm very sad to inform you that the DA2 AI changes were quite easy for me to do. This is due to many reasons. There are fundamental flaws in combat design (arcane shield) and the DA2 AI-to-talent-pool connection is remarkably simple.


The best way I can explain this is by telling you about the great challenge of DAO AI modding. You see, if you were to meet a LT or higher level enemy at say, level 5, it is different than meeting that same exact enemy at level 10. You see? DA2 does NOT have this layering. DA2 is incredibly simple, all the way around. Same talents for enemies at ALL levels. See?


So this was my big underestimation of the first release of my mod. Oh but I am smarter now, and so shall the enemies be.


I shall use ALL my modding talent and experience to make what I hope to be my grand masterpiece mod. All I needed was multiple people to test it, who play in different orders in different styles. Do you see why now? I think you do. This is much more important for DAO than in DA2. Testing by meeting different enemies at different levels is all important to make this mod it's best. I think we all understand better now, don't we.


One final note is there is MUCH more that can be done with DAO then DA2. Know your science. Complex things ARE made up of "simple" things. So despite the fact that DAO does not, say, double DA2 in complexity a 30% increase, when rearranged and tuned, makes for a whole world of trouble. I can tell you that there were quite a few people who begged me, BEGGED ME, to return this mod. These are people who have played with the so called "nightmare" mods. I've said enough.


Give me time. I hope to crush my end of December deadline. Thank you all.

Edited by LemmingoftheGDA
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