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18 hours of trying to get mods fixed


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man please, can anyone help me, i have atleast 18 hours into trying to get this work, i spent 6 hours the other day completely reinstalling everything following step for step everything on this video,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7A9SdpWvd9A finally got it working was allowed to go all over tamriel rebuilt.. i have the steam version, i go to play again, and yet again steam f*#@s everything up, it makes its own fily in a seperate steam library only for morrowind, i go to load it up, and i get the missing this and this warnings, then i go to the other side of Tamnriel rebuilt land, and almost everything is the yellow triangle apostrophe, and the game zooms out and shows my headless body, warning pops up saying something like "animation class.. character has no animations" or something like that and it crashes. I dont know what the problem is, im sitting here checking everything i can, BSA are good, i regenerated the land, what am i doing wrong? this is killing me

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