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3rd person inventory mod


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What I want is having inventory menu opened on left side of the screen and having my character visible in 3rd person on the opposite side of the screen, so the effect of swapping a thing would be immediately visible. It would make outfitting less excruciatingly awkward than how it is right now, at least for me.


Is there a mod for that? I'm googling to no avail. If there is, could you please share a link?

If there is no such mod, can anyone make it please?

Or maybe there is a way of doing that without a mod at all that I don't know of? Then could you please tell me how?



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Hm, this would be cool, but with the way inventory works is it pauses the game and gives an overlay that only allows input there. I don't think there's a mod that does this. Don't even know if it's actually possible to be honest.

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Thanks for your reply!


There is Fallsouls mod, that makes the game run while your pip-boy is opened. There are inventory menus for containers that you loot, that are external with respect to pip-boy. This is basically the same loot menu, only for your own inventory and in "equip" instead of "transfer" mode. Cam position could be altered with Custom Camera mod, to move your char to the right. All there is to it is just the same external menu for char's inventory in equip mode, only large height wise (taking 95% height of the screen) and taking left third of the screen. It doesn't seem like a lot.


I am a C++ developer, but I never done mods for Bethesda games. I could, but if there are people with experience, it will be way faster for them to do it, than for me to dig through everything.


Update: and there is Wheel Menu mod that does it for everything except the apparel. Gonna ask the dude to add it, would be so cool.

Edited by Inci123
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Ok so for the record, I'm really down for this too.

However, there's an engine limitation that really displays why butthesda decided to take the route that they did. Mainly that 3rd person clothes changes look like utter crap.


youtube vid showing how bad it looks.


however, if you want a menu system that's less intrusive, looks better, and is more akin to some other games (tho still 1st person) there's wheel menu. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/36706

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StormWolf01, that happens only when an outfit contains body mesh as its part. Most pieces are not done like that so the issue doesn't arise too frequently. And even if it did, it'd still way more convenient and faster to compose an outfit in 3rd person. Btw, you can dress a follower in 3rd person and it's so much easier. tbh, It's hard for me to believe that the way Bethesda went with outfitting interface was actually a (mildly) thought through decision. At least if it was, they certainly weren't aiming for usability. It doesn't solve anything, creates more problems, and makes the whole process very tedious.


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