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What you miss from oblivion that skyrim doesn't have .


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After playing hours and days and weeks skyrim and fight with the dragons and skeevers and other creatures ( undead and alive ) i now really miss the oblivion's creatures like :

minotaur/ minotaur /lord , rat ,Land Dreugh ,timber wolf, Will-o-the-Wisp ,Zombies ( all kind of them ),

ghosts ,Wraith,gloom wraith, faded wraith ,Nether Lich and lich ,clannfear , dreamoras ( they are in skyrim but you see them just twice i think ) xivilai , Daedroth ,spider daedra , Ogre ,the oblivion gate itself , skeleton hero and champion , and even the vampires because oblivion had do many vampire like vampire knight , vampire bard , vampire warrior and ... . and the colorful Mud Crabs :biggrin:

i even missed Spriggans and trolls oh with those green skin :laugh:


where have they gone ,really ! :psyduck:

Edited by Misakichun
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underwater combat. you are a herioc warrior, unstoppable, undeafeated. you go for a swim... and your arms stop working!?

nope :armscrossed:

oh and the talking mubcrab (or was that morrowind? i forget)

Edited by kili202
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fighting underwater ,shame it is missing and also casting spells while having a shield and a sword and the cheesy battle cries "i'v fought mudcrabs more fearsome than you!" and the most famous quote "stop right there criminal scum !". Edited by dragonarei
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Now that I look back, there were a lot of memorable moments in Oblivion. However, I do think it would be difficult going back since I played that damn game for 5 years, so yeah XD.
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I certainly miss the more colourful enviroment,Skyrim is of course as it should be more crisp and clear but also so dark gloomy and clouded all the time, i miss the arena fights,Spell creation,Acrobatic skill And

medium armor,Spear+all the different weapon skills to lazy of bethesda not to include them in skyrim :down:

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About the only thing I miss:


being able to review my status, titles, position, etc...Morthal...is this character Thane there? I forget....(trudge trudge trudge...Hello Jarl? Sorry to bug you. I walked all the way from the rift to ask if I'm your Thane. I am? Well, $*%)

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I certainly miss the more colourful enviroment,Skyrim is of course as it should be more crisp and clear but also so dark gloomy and clouded all the time, i miss the arena fights,Spell creation,Acrobatic skill And

medium armor,Spear+all the different weapon skills to lazy of bethesda not to include them in skyrim :down:



Wasn't 'laziness'. I never understood that. People say "well the devs were too lazy to include THIS or THAT". Been reading this since Morrowind came out


No. It wasn't included, but it wasn't because the devs all banged into work that day and never made up their time, or spent "Spear week" goofing off.

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I certainly miss the more colourful enviroment,Skyrim is of course as it should be more crisp and clear but also so dark gloomy and clouded all the time, i miss the arena fights,Spell creation,Acrobatic skill And

medium armor,Spear+all the different weapon skills to lazy of bethesda not to include them in skyrim :down:



Wasn't 'laziness'. I never understood that. People say "well the devs were too lazy to include THIS or THAT". Been reading this since Morrowind came out


No. It wasn't included, but it wasn't because the devs all banged into work that day and never made up their time, or spent "Spear week" goofing off.


Only including 1+2 handed and Light and heavy armor is not very RPG like.

Spears i can live without but i still think they made it a little to simple with so few weapon skills.

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I certainly miss the more colourful enviroment,Skyrim is of course as it should be more crisp and clear but also so dark gloomy and clouded all the time, i miss the arena fights,Spell creation,Acrobatic skill And

medium armor,Spear+all the different weapon skills to lazy of bethesda not to include them in skyrim :down:



Wasn't 'laziness'. I never understood that. People say "well the devs were too lazy to include THIS or THAT". Been reading this since Morrowind came out


No. It wasn't included, but it wasn't because the devs all banged into work that day and never made up their time, or spent "Spear week" goofing off.


Only including 1+2 handed and Light and heavy armor is not very RPG like.

Spears i can live without but i still think they made it a little to simple with so few weapon skills.


I'm a pen and paper RPGer from back in the day. When I started, Advanced D&D was new, lol


Don't get me going on how video games, which have no Game Master, are really, really poor RPGs. We don't really play a 'role' unless you use a lot of imagination, and even then it's more like putting on a costume, since the game can't react to your character beyond scripted option trees.


One element that video game RPGs should introduce is NPCs having a 'bad day'. Imagine Belethor, once in a great while, saying "you only being me junk I can't sell. Get the hell out of my shop, soup-for-brains"

Edited by Riprock
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