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Spell mesh trouble


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Ok, so I have had this idea for remodeling spells, I've found a spell (let it be Fire Rune), extracted it .nif file, .dds textures. Draw a new textures, set them in Nifscope and now it is a part to put them to the game actually. But in Creation Kit i've not found any reference for using a new meshes for spell. The're is a hell lot of options like - both hand, left hand, hand animations and other but no exact reference for a mesh. :(


Could U please help me or is it even possible?


Many thanks, U're another moding noob.

Edited by iLoser
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Depends on the spell/effect...some use explosions for an impact effect and projectiles for the effect of the spell itself, some use shader effect forms or other ones - just search for the name of the spell and try to reverse engineer it (when you right-click on a form and select USE INFO you see all forms that use the selected form). Example:




... and you can add such an explosion to an projectile by checking the EXPLOSION box in its form and select the new explosion in the drop down menu...and so on.

Edited by ghosu
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