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Potions combiner


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Potion of ultimate Magicka + Stamina + Healing = Ultimate elixir of life.

I like the idea very much.

edit : A few more.

Malign lingering pison + lingering stamina + lingering magicka = something, I don't know. Maybe STOP! Hammertime. lol

Frost resistance + fire resistance + storm resistance + magicka resistance = You can guess.

Maybe combining two same potions, would extend their duratio and power. For example, you get two Blacksmith's elixir with a +30 smithing efect for 60 seconds. Now combine them, and you get 60 point plus smithing skill for 120 seconds. This would be awesome.

Edited by Gerandirr
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Okay, here's the bare-bones version: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27220/


Will combine the following health/stamina/magicka potions at a cookpot under the misc section:







Based on the restoration levels found in vanilla:






06=9999pts (full)


I'll start working on some more interesting combinations.

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Added (but not yet uploaded, will collect some ideas first, I think I will keep the current simple mod as is and offer this as an alternate/add-on):


Potion of Doom:

fortify magicka rate + fortify destruction skill = shorter timer on magicka rate but greater magicka rate & destruction skill multiplier


Potion of Mindbending:

The same as doom, but for illusion


Potion of Reality Warp:

Same as above, for alteration


Potion of Packrats:

Fortify carry rate + fortify stamina = slightly better stats for both across the board


Potion of enhanced smithing (as per suggestion but not quite so overpowered)

smithing potion + smithing potion = better smithing + extended duration, scales up at higher levels


Potion of Superior Resistance:

combine "resist ..." potions, get free extra healing rate for a short time

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Just put in the first update - added some of the changes mentioned earlier, plus thanks to some commenters on the mod page you will now only see the potions you can actually craft.


Enough editing lists for now, I feel like a bloody accountant ;)

(nothing wrong with that, I'm just not one of them)

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