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Performance issues after intalling Roguetech


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I've recently installed Roguetech and now I seem to be having serious performance issues. The game just seems to take forever to load up. The first mission that I took was a half skull mission and the performance issues were that bad it took me nearly an hour and a half to to take down 4 enemy light mechs. This is due to the game being super laggy all of the time. Once the mission was completed, it took another 10 mins for the salvage screen to appear and another 5 mins for the screen with the Argo to reappear. Saving the game took another 10 minutes as well.


I never had this problem with Battletech before I installed Roguetech. I know that it can't be my computer as I've recently purchased Star Wars: Jedi - Fallen Order and that runs perfectly and is a lot more graphics rich than Battletech.


I am currently in the process of doing a fresh install of the game to see if that fix any issues.


Has anyone else experienced similar issues and if so, what did you do to fix the problem.

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Well I uninstalled the game and did a frsh install. For a while, Roguetech was operating normally but tonight it has just gone back to how it was described above. I'm going to have to just continue playing the vanilla version until either myself or someine else figures out why my rig slows down so much when I play this game.


Goodbye Roguetech....its been fun while it lasted.

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