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Can't hit anything from horseback


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I'm having an extremely difficult time trying to actually kill anything on horseback. It seems like I'm swinging my sword right at someone and it just doesn't connect. The weird thing is that it was working fine before. Has anyone else had this problem? I'm wondering if the newest patch has something to do with it, because I seem to remember mounted combat working fine before I updated recently.
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I feel like it's kinda random. Most of the time I have no problem hitting enemies with a bow or with a sword. Sometimes I feel like I hit stuff that I didn't swing anywhere near. Other times it can be a hassle to hit someone. It's strange. The bow does take some getting used to, there are some angles where you can't hit anything so you have to be posistioned properly. I guess the same goes for melee though.
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I think that horseback fighting is horrible in Skyrim. It was a nice idea, but I can tell that not much effort went into it.


I can't hit anything at all; even shooting a bow from horseback doesn't seem to aim properly.



I rarely hit anything with hand held weapons but I do regularly use my bow mounted hit my target with probably 80% accuracy or more. I use both my bow and crossbow mounted a lot in the Rift because of the bear and wolf attacks every 30 feet...I used to feel bad about killing all wildlife in the Rift but now I feel more like I'm doing the locals a public service by thinning them out a bit.

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Interesting, when I first tried it (back when it first came out) I remember I couldn't hit a single thing and sort of gave up on it. Recently I started a new character, an orc with a two-hander axe, and I've been doing a lot of horse back fighting, killing wolves and bandits, all from horseback and in movement. I honestly thought they'd just improved it, but now I see your thread. Maybe some weapons are better balanced than others?


Or maybe its a result of a mod I'm using. The only one I think might affect it is Deadly Combat. :x

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I just hold the left or right mouse button (depending on which side my intended target is on) to keep my sword at the ready (and charge the power strike) then let go the moment they are standing right beside me as I thunder past them, then turn and strafe again. I rarely miss, but you have to remain somewhat on level ground, too much of a climb or descent and you will move out of the "strike" position.


Archery on horseback only really works on far-away targets for me.


When I did a warzones run I liked to have the convenient horses mod installed, you can alter the "horse charge" settings and plow through a bunch of people, sending them flying left and right just by holding the sprint button. Oodles of fun.

Edited by acidzebra
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I also prefer the classic cavalry charge. Hold M1 or M2 and release when you're upon them, sprint to get some distance and turn for another run. I took out a vampire mistwalker outside Whiterun that way, wouldn't have been able to do that on foot.
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I also prefer the classic cavalry charge. Hold M1 or M2 and release when you're upon them, sprint to get some distance and turn for another run. I took out a vampire mistwalker outside Whiterun that way, wouldn't have been able to do that on foot.


It was a real thrill last night: fought (and killed) two mammoths simultaneously from horseback at level 8 with my iron 2-handed axe. It was a lot of fun riding in-between them, evading their attacks and charges, rearing in behind them and slashing at their hind legs. It was the most visceral experience I've had so far in Skyrim, and I found it played really smoothly.


I used a mix of M1/M2 holding and tapping. Full on charges would be done by holding the keys, but there's a few attacks where I rode in and around the mammoths, having to switch quickly between an m1 and m2 attack as I attacked one mammoth, then the other.

Edited by Northborn
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Holding the mouse button has no effect on whether or not I'll hit anything. An enemy can be standing directly to my side and I can't hit them no matter what I do. Power attacks don't hit any more often than regular ones. I'm just baffled by the fact that it used to work perfectly (in fact, there were times where it felt too forgiving) and now it's broken.


Could the fact that I'm still using an older version of FNIS have anything to do with it? I've also noticed that my character will occasionally stand on the horse while riding and I've heard that's a FNIS issue, so could FNIS also be affecting the hit detection on horseback?

Edited by praetorian815
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