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Help: Strange Transparent Squares


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I just had another BSOD, once again, near Arefu, this time without Arefu Expanded, this time the BSOD error referred to ntoskrnl.exe, once again the error is PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA, Bugcheck 0x50.


On the positive side, it happens after a long play time without a single crash.

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I suggest that you google your error messages and take your pick of the results.Your fault "ntoskrnl.exe" resulted in over a million articles. The other message over nineteen thousand.


I wish it was that simple, but I just had another BSOD, this time nowhere near Arefu and this time a different file, ha20x2k.sys is the culprit, same error, PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA, the file itself is Creative 20X HAL (WDM) according to WhoCrashed, previously I had the same BSOD with that same file as well as with dxgkrnl.sys (DirectX Graphics Kernel) and once with the file atikmpag.sys (AMD multi-vendor Miniport Driver).


The damn thing is completely random, the only thing in common is that it happens during Fallout 3, never in any other game or situation.


Beside, I've been trying to google it, so far without finding anything that helped, still trying though.

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Hmm maybe it tries to use more memory? Have you flagged Fallout3.exe to use more than 2gb of memory?

And at 8gb of ram.. I suggest you disable Paging file in windows. My games run smoother after I disabled paging file (I have 12gb of ram).


Yes, I did flagged Fallout3.exe for more than 2GB of RAM.


As for the paging file. well, I'll try but I somehow doubt that's the reasons for the BSODs, looks more like a driver issue, most likely too new for Fallout 3, thing is, with my Graphic card, it is likely the oldest driver for my card will be too new for Fallout 3 so I'm crossing my fingers & hoping that's not the problem.

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I have checked up on your errors.. and I found out that in most cases it's because of a faulty ram memory stick.

You can test your RAM using this Tool

Here is how to use it. And a


Also this Quote


This Stop message occurs when requested data is not found in memory. The system generates a fault, which normally indicates that the system looks for data in the paging file. In this circumstance, however, the missing data is identified as being located within an area of memory that cannot be paged out to disk. The system faults, but cannot find, the data and is unable to recover. Faulty hardware, a buggy system service, antivirus software, and a corrupted NTFS volume can all generate this type of error.


If you haven't done so already, use the "Last known good configuration" option from the Advance Menu (keep pressing F8 while booting).


You may also want to consider the following:


1. Using just one RAM module to boot

2. Safe Mode

3. (If Same Mode works) Start -> Run-> type Chkdsk /f /r

4. Stopping startup antivirus software


Edited by Valahul
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I have checked up on your errors.. and I found out that in most cases it's because of a faulty ram memory stick.

You can test your RAM using this Tool

Here is how to use it. And a


Also this Quote


This Stop message occurs when requested data is not found in memory. The system generates a fault, which normally indicates that the system looks for data in the paging file. In this circumstance, however, the missing data is identified as being located within an area of memory that cannot be paged out to disk. The system faults, but cannot find, the data and is unable to recover. Faulty hardware, a buggy system service, antivirus software, and a corrupted NTFS volume can all generate this type of error.


If you haven't done so already, use the "Last known good configuration" option from the Advance Menu (keep pressing F8 while booting).


You may also want to consider the following:


1. Using just one RAM module to boot

2. Safe Mode

3. (If Same Mode works) Start -> Run-> type Chkdsk /f /r

4. Stopping startup antivirus software



I am aware of the fact that it is most commonly an indication of faulty RAM and I am very well familiar with Memtest86, I'm a PC technician so I use it frequently, being a PC Technician & having lots of experience with RAM problem is also why I'm quite certain that this is not the case with my problems at the moment, it is Fallout specific, no problem with any other game nor software or in any other situation.


I'm willing to check but I'm quite certain that no RAM problem will be found but who knows, not much time have passed since I upgrade my computer though, did a complete overhaul (Mobo, RAM, CPU, GPU) so I guess it's not impossible but due to above facts, unlikely that I have a faulty RAM.


I'll do some RAM tests and try to disable the page file in the coming days and I'll see if it helps, right now I'm doubtful but who knows.

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Yes, I did flagged Fallout3.exe for more than 2GB of RAM.

Be advised that since Fallout 3 is still a 32 bit program it will never use more then 4 gigs of Ram regardless of how much Ram you have.


As far as the crashing issues go: Do indeed check your Rams to see if they're still working correctly.


If they do, update the drivers of your graphics card to the newest version (yes, the newest version). If the problem still persists try a different graphics card and see if you're getting the same problem.


Load order:


StreetLights.esm is to be loaded in between ThePitt.esm and BrokenSteel.esm.


StreetLights - Wasteland.esp is redundant. It's been integrated into the latest version of the main mod. (the description page also mentions this)


Hairday.esm <-- Does this file comes from this mod: Hair Pack ? If so then it's not compatible with Lings hair pack.


Fellout + Enhanced Weather + Dynamic weather is a big no. I'd recommend removing Fellout and keep Enhanced + Dynamic Weather.

If you don't feel like removing Fellout at least put it's plugins right above the Enhanced Weather ones.

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Yes, I did flagged Fallout3.exe for more than 2GB of RAM.

Be advised that since Fallout 3 is still a 32 bit program it will never use more then 4 gigs of Ram regardless of how much Ram you have.


As far as the crashing issues go: Do indeed check your Rams to see if they're still working correctly.


If they do, update the drivers of your graphics card to the newest version (yes, the newest version). If the problem still persists try a different graphics card and see if you're getting the same problem.


Load order:


StreetLights.esm is to be loaded in between ThePitt.esm and BrokenSteel.esm.


StreetLights - Wasteland.esp is redundant. It's been integrated into the latest version of the main mod. (the description page also mentions this)


Hairday.esm <-- Does this file comes from this mod: Hair Pack ? If so then it's not compatible with Lings hair pack.


Fellout + Enhanced Weather + Dynamic weather is a big no. I'd recommend removing Fellout and keep Enhanced + Dynamic Weather.

If you don't feel like removing Fellout at least put it's plugins right above the Enhanced Weather ones.


I am aware that fallout is 32 bit and that 32 bit has the 4GB limitation, I am also already using the latest drivers for my graphic & sound cards.


As for the load order, since the original post I used BOSS to re-arrange the load order and made sure StreetLights.esm is before BrokenSteel, Hairday.esm is disabled and not used, It's not from Hair Pack, it was needed for another mod I have but I edited the mod to use Lings instead to avoid problems.


As for fellout and the weather mods, right now I have enhanced weather files, then fellout files, then dynamic weather files in the load order.


As for testing for RAM issues, haven't done it yet but it is highly doubtful as I played Max Payne 3 and finished it twice if not more with no problems whatsoever and my brother played & finished Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X 2 as well with no problems, all with the same hardware configuration so the hardware has been taken through some heavy gaming and also heavy benchmarking before I even began playing games on it with no problems at all.


Of course, it doesn't mean a problem couldn't arise between then and now but it is doubtful.

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