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Modded Game CTD Immediately


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The Live Another Life mod works fine on its own (with no other heavy mods installed) but tends to screw-up the game because of the heavy scripting changes and when used with a whole bunch of other mods. Try running the game without it and see what gives.

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If still crashes, then, I would recommend:


- to make a backup of the game folder, also of the folders containing Skyrim .ini files, save files, MO2 files

- to uninstall (not to disable) at once ALL the mods

- to load the last save, to start a new game


If no crashes at least with new game, we can say for sure that it's the problem with one of mods and for finding the offending mod it's necessary to uninstall them, one by one or in groups...


The backup will let you rollback when the offending mod is found. It's important so I recommend to do it carefully, not to forget some files in user's folders etc.

Edited by shumkar
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