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I'm sure it would be possible if the construction set is ever realeased...but mods could be thought up for it.

It could start as 1 shack which the vault dweller lives in, then if he helps or inspires someone, they could move in and help expand the town.

From there he could look for specific people to make the town better, doctor, chef, guards, whatever suits your fancy.

Super mutans or bandits could attack, and you could help your people defend it, or pick up the pieces when you ventured back.

from there yould talk to caravans so that they include your growing town on their routes...I know...this would be a monstrous undertaking, but I think it has merit of it's own.

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Could make it in the area where the lilttle lamplight kids migrate to.. save their town and you get an option to live there (incase you blew megaton up and invaded tenpenny with ghouls) like a normal house..


Have quests related to that, and expanding the town.

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This idea has my endorsement.


I'd hope that it could be set up such that you get to decide on things like the laws, even governmental system, which would then tie into quests determined by your choices. And some major quest involving some significant assault on the town, and where the player has assistance from various factions they befriended or assisted in the past (I'm thinking along the lines of Oblivion's final battle). It sounds like a huge undertaking - which it is, but I'm confident based on the accomplishments of various modmakers in Oblivion that, contrusction set forthcoming, all of this is quite possible.


In terms of choosing the governmental system, the player should have at least two choices IMO. One, a democratic system, which would require at least once that the player defend their leadership by running a "re"-election campaign, relying heavily on charisma but also tying into the accomplishments (town related quests) they can cite as evidence of their good leadership.


The other might involve leadership being determined in a fighting pit. Now and then, the player has to face challengers to their throne as leader of the town, and basically it's taken to the thunderdome to decide it. Perhaps with a system whereby the player can nominate a loyal fighter to fight on their behalf (if they're charismatic enough to have such a dedicated servant).

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I would LOVE to see a Morrowind-style "Raven Rock" kind of town buildup over time via a series of little quests. You find a good site that's desirable for some reason, you get some folks to help you exploit the place, people show up and move in, things get built... awesome!
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