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Game Crashes During Combat


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All of the vanilla game animation (.kf) files are in Oblivion - Meshes.bsa and so any that you find in Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Characters\_male (or subfolders from that) will be mod added.

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All of the vanilla game animation (.kf) files are in Oblivion - Meshes.bsa and so any that you find in Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Characters\_male (or subfolders from that) will be mod added.

I just checked and yeah, theres a bunch of .kf files in the places you mentioned. Is that whats causing the problem, you think?

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I can't say for certain. What you describe happening didn't lead me to think along those lines when also looking at your load order but troubleshooting is a team sport.


What I'd suggest is backup all of the contents of the _male folder somewhere outside of the game's folders and then delete all of the contents of the _male folder (so right click -> copy on the _male folder and paste that into a folder you create elsewhere before deleting the contents of the _male folder).


If the test doesn't solve the problem then simply right click your backed up _male folder and copy and then paste into your game's Characters folder, merging the backed up _male folder and contents with the empty _male folder left in your game's Character folder.

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I can't say for certain. What you describe happening didn't lead me to think along those lines when also looking at your load order but troubleshooting is a team sport.


What I'd suggest is backup all of the contents of the _male folder somewhere outside of the game's folders and then delete all of the contents of the _male folder (so right click -> copy on the _male folder and paste that into a folder you create elsewhere before deleting the contents of the _male folder).


If the test doesn't solve the problem then simply right click your backed up _male folder and copy and then paste into your game's Characters folder, merging the backed up _male folder and contents with the empty _male folder left in your game's Character folder.

Didn't work. Still crashes.


I guess theres no harm in it, but I should also mention theres another disk (D:) when I open up "This PC". When I search into the (C:) drive for gaming stuff, I notice theres a Steam folder with a bunch of random Config stuff. No actual games or anything though.


When I go into (D:) though, all the games and their files show up when I go into Steam - SteamApps - Common. To make some space for another game, I deleted the games I wanted uninstalled from Steam, but they are still on (D:).


To clear up:

(C:) Steam - Config stuff. No games.

(C:) My Documents - My Games - Oblivion - a bunch of saves and .ini file.


(D:) Steam - SteamApps - Common - Oblivion - a whole ton of mod stuff.


If I need to do what I think I have to do (join all the Oblivion stuff into one folder) I will need some instruction.


*Again; I have no idea if this is whats causing the crash or not. Just something I thought I'd mention.*

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I have all my games on a separate drive myself and Oblivion will always use C:\Users\<UserName>\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion. It is common for games to keep their configuration files in My Documents. The fact that your game runs, and you've made it to Kvatch tells me that your installation works.


It's after the fact for you now, but I always advise that the vanilla game be started and tested before adding any mods (with the exception of the DLCs, as if you have the GotY edition they will all get installed when you first install anyways). I've never heard of All Natural causing anything like what you are experiencing but outside of AN and your Shiny Septims you have a vanilla installation plus DLCs from what I can see. That is what has me scratching my head.


- Edit - Another test for you to try (that's probably still in the grasping at straws category).


When your character is at full health (so right after sleeping or waiting) open the console using the tilde (~) key found right below the Esc key on standard keyboards. At the console prompt type:


player.getav health


and then hit Enter. The game will report your character's current health. Close the console by hitting tilde again. Compare that to what is reported in the game Tab menu for your current health.


Next do something that will gradually lower your health like let a rat or mudcrab gnaw on you for a while and keep a close eye on your health. Just before you expect that you're going to get your crash open the console and recheck your current health. Also note approximately how much of your health bar was still showing when you checked (e.g. about 25% or 10%).

Edited by Striker879
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I have all my games on a separate drive myself and Oblivion will always use C:\Users\<UserName>\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion. It is common for games to keep their configuration files in My Documents. The fact that your game runs, and you've made it to Kvatch tells me that your installation works.


It's after the fact for you now, but I always advise that the vanilla game be started and tested before adding any mods (with the exception of the DLCs, as if you have the GotY edition they will all get installed when you first install anyways). I've never heard of All Natural causing anything like what you are experiencing but outside of AN and your Shiny Septims you have a vanilla installation plus DLCs from what I can see. That is what has me scratching my head.


- Edit - Another test for you to try (that's probably still in the grasping at straws category).


When your character is at full health (so right after sleeping or waiting) open the console using the tilde (~) key found right below the Esc key on standard keyboards. At the console prompt type:


player.getav health


and then hit Enter. The game will report your character's current health. Close the console by hitting tilde again. Compare that to what is reported in the game Tab menu for your current health.


Next do something that will gradually lower your health like let a rat or mudcrab gnaw on you for a while and keep a close eye on your health. Just before you expect that you're going to get your crash open the console and recheck your current health. Also note approximately how much of your health bar was still showing when you checked (e.g. about 25% or 10%).

Health before going into bandit camp: 119

Health just before crashing: 38:11


The tilde console was right both times I checked.


Edit: I should also add that all the save files in Wyre Bash - Saves are Pink and Red, if that means anything.

Edited by Kidzombie
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Look in Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html in section 6d for an explanation of what the colours mean. Wrye Bash General Readme.html and Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html are found in the Oblivion\Mopy\Docs folder and are the best spot to find out stuff like that.


So I was thinking maybe something like your health was actually lower than shown on your health bar and the crash was happening when your character dies but that test shows that is not the case. Unless you were fighting a powerful foe who was able to reduce your health a large amount with a single attack your character is not yet dead when the crash comes ... would that agree with what you experience?


Have you tried a test with an absolutely vanilla game (meaning no All Natural and no Shiny Septims)? When you do that test also move your bashed patch outside of the Data folder to a temporay folder, so all you are loading is Bethesda supplied assets and a new game (so don't load a save).


Also did you have a look at the Installers tab like Leonardo suggested and see what conflicts etc are reported there if any?

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