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What are some great mods to convert?


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You need to know how to create mods of your own before trying to convert other people's. What kind of mods have you made? Convert similar ones. Remember, you need the permission of the original author to convert mods. By and large, those mods where permission has been granted, have already been converted so the field is sparse but if you have made mods of a particular type, you will probably already be familiar with other mods in your own niche. Otherwise, do one or two mods that you personally enjoy using - because you will need to be prepared to put in sufficient effort to debug and test your conversion thoroughly and support it afterwards; you won't feel inclined to do that for mods that don't really interest you.

Edited by OldMansBeard
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You need to know how to create mods of your own before trying to convert other people's. What kind of mods have you made? Convert similar ones. Remember, you need the permission of the original author to convert mods. By and large, those mods where permission has been granted, have already been converted so the field is sparse but if you have made mods of a particular type, you will probably already be familiar with other mods in your own niche. Otherwise, do one or two mods that you personally enjoy using - because you will need to be prepared to put in sufficient effort to debug and test your conversion thoroughly and support it afterwards; you won't feel inclined to do that for mods that don't really interest you.


Yeah I have converted inconsequential npcs, headtracking and voice set, and beggar's arena using a guide and they work perfectly fine far as I can tell. Just gotta optimize the meshes/textures, unpack the bsa and optimize it, and save the esp on creation kit so it has form 44 right (can't remember if its 43 or 44 lol)?I have no intention of posting them on any public site however; I was just looking for any great suggestions that are worth the effort to convert for my own use (or for anyone to use in this case).

Edited by Akulakha
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For awhile there, I converted more, but many have finally gotten an official port (for example, Deadly Dragons).


Now I just have a few small things privately ported over.


"Destructible Bottles" - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26017


"Real Roads" - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/55518/


"Seaside Seagulls" - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54760/?


"Dragons Shout With Voice" - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35286


Various little fixes.. You can get many in SSE mods already, but I find them to be overkill. Like a lot of the little mesh fixes in Kryptopr's Weapon mods (Better shaped Glass helms, etc). I just port over small individual fixes.

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Arissa the Wandering Rogue converts, but you'll have to do some work to fix neck seams, etc. There will be one dialogue option (the location based one) that will never work quite right either. I don't have the expertise to fix that personally.


Fireworks is another great mod that converts perfectly. Sooooo fun!


Extra Bandit Voicetypes will convert nicely.


Blue Palace Frescos will convert nicely.


SM Essential Kills will convert perfectly. This is actually the best, most indispensible "make everything killable" mod- its only down side is that it does not work on children (if that's a down side for you).

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