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Increasing to ugrids 7 causes freeze/crash


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I'm having a problem of where my game runs perfectly smooth (60 fps nearly everywhere) on ugrids 5, but when I change it to 7 it will always crash upon walking a certain distance. I'm assuming there is an issue with a zone being unable to load or whatnot, but I have seen numerous others have no problems with ugrids 7, in fact the nvidia guide even recommends it. Is there something I'm missing that must be done to run the game at ugrids 7?


I'm currently running a:

3570K @ 4.4

670OC @ 1202/3742

8gb ram

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If you are using a lot of mods that spawn NPCs, etc, that could be the thing that is crashing with the extra grids to load. You might try removing any mods like that (SkyMo, Deadly Dragons, Warzones, etc.) and see how your game works then (just make sure to follow the mod's specific uninstall directions or you may have more problems!) If it works, then try adding the mods back in slowly to seee what your game's limit is.


Also, if you are using mods that increase the resolution of various items, you might try using a lower res option, if it is available to see if that helps.

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I'm currently using


uExterior Cell Buffer=72



which is works fine. (I was told increasing the cell buffer from 36 to 72 would reduce the stuttering)


Yes, I am using a lot of spawn mods: Monster mod and Deadly Dragons. For some reason Warzones will crash no matter what settings I use too. I'm wondering if that might be related to the ugrids problem.

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  • 5 weeks later...
I've removed all mods that add extra monsters/npcs to the world and it still crashes. Any other suggestions on what it could be? Does anyone know what the cause of the crash is? cpu or gpu? or maybe the texture mods? I've since downgraded most of my texture mods to 1024 and it didn't appear to help. The strange thing is that the game is always running at 50+ fps (usually at the cap of 60) and it doesn't lag or stutter, yet it will randomly crash to desktop at certain locations.
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Editing ugridstoload is not the best idea. If you can run with it, then fine, but crashing when loading the new set of cells means it isn't going to work for you. Crash is caused by your VRAM breaching its cap and shuffling to system memory. There is no fix for this besides getting a card with greater than 2gb of VRAM.
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Hi, I just wanted to chime in that I am in the same boat when changing my ugrids. My game runs beautifully with max settings and every mod under the sun, but the second I bump ugrids up I get a crash in the same manner as the OP. The game runs great at 50+ FPS, but will crash when loading a new cell. MOTOSXORPIO mentioned that a lack of VRAM may be the issue, but my card has 3gb of VRAM. Is it possible that 3gb still isn't enough?


The rest of my specs are very similar to SeraVerte as well:

Intel i5-3570K (OC'ed to 4.3Ghz)

Sapphire Radeon HD 7950 3GB



Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to say you are wrong, MOTOSXORPIO. I just want to figure out the issue for certain. Raising ugrids is probably one of the best ways to improve the graphical quality of the game and I would hate to just give up on it.

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