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New Dragon Shouts


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So, I recently decided to do a playtrough where I use no conventional magic whatsoever. I even decided to forgoe potions because I kinda count them as magic as well, blame Harry Potter. Instead I'm gonna rely on dragon shouts instead, something that seems fesable as they cover a vide array of abilities. There are some holes in the coverage thouhg, particulary when it comes to healing. There is no healing shout, and I could'nt found any such thing on the nexus, actually new dragon shouts are appently none existant, or at least I could not find any.


Now creating new shouts are likely hard due to one key factor, the fact that it has a sound component. A big hurdle. But I figure, much like Omesean did when he created his custom follower Valfar (great mod, check it out[1]) it should be possible to remix worlds from vanilla shouts to creat a new one. Now I looked up some words that would be sutable for a healing shout that ether affected just the player, or followers, or both.


Laas – Life – Aura Whisper

Slen – Flesh – Ice statue

Haas – Health – Drain Vitality


I selected these words both for there meaning as well as there position in thier original shouts. Laas is the first word in Aura whisper, slen is the second in Ice Form, and so forth.


Anyway, if anyone likes this idea, put in a coment down below to show an intrest, and keept the topic near the top.


Play nice.



[1] http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25360

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That's an interesting idea. I'm a baby modder, just teaching myself the CK at this point, so I'm no help, but I like the idea. I would think another thing that may cause hesitation is where to place the word walls so you can learn the shouts. Unless a workaround is given, like being taught (the way the greybeards teach you). Just my noobish 2 cents.
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I think the best way to do that would be to start out by disassociating the shout words from one another - in other words remove Unrelenting Force, Fire Breath, Ice Breath, Ice Form, Aura Whisper, Mark for Death, etc and have the words alone have some type of power. If you can do that, then you can theoretically expand the dragon dictionary with words of power, but you would need to make a mixer so you can shout up to 3-5 words in a row that you pick beforehand and the words selected change what actually happens.


For example, Yol = Fire, so on its own it could act as a fire bolt or to start a fire or something, but combined with Zah (finite) and Haal (hand) could maybe be used to ignite either your hands or what you're holding temporarily (basically enchant object with fire).


It'd be interesting certainly, but how you'd code it... that would be long because you'd have to code the word's effect, then the effect with each other word and word combination for however many combinations there are. That or increase the shouts but have them as combinations that contain 1-5 words, not necessarily all being the same as you'd normally get and you unlock a word, you can pick from the shouts that you've got words unlocked for.

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Hmm, had not considered using shouts to enchant weaponery. An intresting idea. As for creating world walls, thats the beautey, word walls containing these words already exist sense I used words already in dragon shouts. So one would only need to place them at three locations in the open world. Theoretically.
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This has so much untapped potential.

We have the dragon language translated (thank you internet :dance:)

We need two things. Creativity/ideas and those who can make them happen.

If someone (or a group of people) would really put time into this, it could expand into something increadible.

I totally agree. I'd love to see this happening.

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Would be really cool to actually re-use the words currently in-game.

I mean, you could re-arrange some of the words to construct different spells, right? (No, not new spellmaking, just some shouts would be really cool)


As you couldn't get these shouts as easily, they could be more powerful.

Think about it,

Word 1. could be last word of one set

Word 2. first word from set

Word 3. One more third word


Via that getting shouts would actually be more like challenge, instead of just being slowed.

Mm.. Modders would just need to check how Drain life force shout is made, as it uses one word from other shout, though, it has it's own bugs, but still.

I haven't seen anyone trying this.

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