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Would anyone be interested in a newspaper mod?


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I am almost done with my first big mod and I have so many things that I want to do, but since I did a mod with a lot of quests and scripting, I want to get away from that a bit and try something different.I am thinking of doing a newspaper system, a little similar to the Black Horse courier but with a lot more articles.




How I was thinking of doing it:


-5 different newspapers coming from those cities: Riften,Markarth,Solitude, Windhelm and Whiterun.


-Newspaper vendors in every cities and settlements.


-Articles about everything: Main quest, Factions, Side quests,Dragonborn related quests (your wedding) and even Miscellaneous ones when possible.



How I would do the articles:


-Main quests and some of the factions events would appears in every newspaper since they affect the whole world/province.


-Cities related quests would only appear in their designated newspaper ie: An event happening in Whiterun and that doesn't matter for anywhere else would only appear in the Whiterun Newspaper.


-Events that happen in Riverwood would be in Whiterun newspaper and events happening in Kynesgrove would be in Windhelm journal.


-Events that are happening in the dark ( where there is no way anybody but you would know about it) won't be featured since there is no way random people would know but you.




What could be the use of that?


-To find some quests ie: let's say that you just got in Riverwood and you decide to buy a newspaper, you will see that there was a break in in Riverwood trader. They wouldn't give you too much details but enough for you to check it out.


-Events would feel like they have an effect on the world: Some stuff that happens never get talked about, having a newspaper would change that a bit.


-For immersion: You played the game numerous times so you already know where to go but your character never came here so it makes sense that he/she would learn some stuff from the people in the provinces.




I started to put some stuff on paper and I can think of at least 20 main articles, I didn't even start looking at side quests yet.I am using uesp.net to go through the quests to find good content. Would you be interested in something like this?

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Sounds like a mix from the mounted couriers from Oblivion and that Three Dogs DJ from Fallout 3. Yes, sounds good :)


And could make more comprehensible the Dovahkin fame/infamy.

Edited by nosisab
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