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Unique Weapons = Unique models


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Alright i've been irritated about this for a while. In oblivion all the unique swords had their own models or at least glowed a certain color nut no in fallout they decided. Oh, lets make Ol' Painless be the exact same thing as a hunting rifle, but with a little more damage :verymad: .So what im asking is, could someone please give all these unique weapons that look exactly the same as their counterparts a new skin or model preferably both but id just be happy with one.


So could one of ya guys look into it. Thanks in advance! :thanks:

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Here's a replacement for Sydney's SMG making it silenced and it works great. You mentioned Tekn0mega's awesome Ripper already and if you read his post he says that he will be doing more. Another change you can make is using this to remove the scopes from all regular 44 magnums making the Blackhawk the only one with a scope. You can also do the opposite and make the Blackhawk the only one without a scope. This one changes Ol painless and makes it silenced. If you just want some other unique weapons the L.A.R.G by itself or combined with the Nova Cannon is a great add on. Refsil's Unique Weapons or Vergeh's Unique Junk Weapons adds more blasting goodness. Be patient the MOD's have been off to a slow start with no CS. Enjoy some of the great work already being done!
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dont forget the grenade launcher that is for sure a must have weapon when faced in large open areas with many foes it is the perfect companion, next year this time maybe u wont be playing FO3 but i guarantee u that every weapon will have a replacement and there will be new ones added aswell just already look wats out now without the CS, look at how oblivion was modded, FO3 will be a completely different, better game in a few months time, it is we r just used to seeing awesome stuff get releases almost every day with oblivion
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  • 1 month later...

I just found this post with a search after bumping my old/ignored suggestion/request..


My idea was to just take some of the better existing reskins (there are plenty already available) and compile them to be used on all the unique weapons..


We really do need a mod that will make all the unique weapons look unique. -UU- which was mentioned is going in that direction but it is focusing on knives and tire irons and it will be a long time before he gets all the uniques done. We already have plenty of nice retextures available, someone just needs to select some good ones and compile them.

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