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Fallout 3 Mod Crashing Issue


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Hello fellow forum users!, I have been working on fixing crashing issues that i have been having but too no end was i able to figure out how too, I'm not sure if its my mod loader or its just something going wrong in something else

The mods i use are Mart's Mutant mod and FWE ((before anyone askes, i do have the compatibility mod)) but after a few seconds to minutes after playing my game decides its going to crash and i have to manually go in and end the process, if anyone else has had this problem

with these two mods i would love to hear your solution for if you fixed it,


Picture of mod load order below


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You have a load order problem. Move CALIBR.esm down next to CRAFT.esm. Keep in mind, all the Fallout 3 .esm must load first. The only mod .esm that works when mixed with the Fallout .esm, is Streetlights.esm. All other mods must be loaded after the Fallout .esm.
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Load order


The above link should help. MMM should come after FO3 Wanderers Edition. And the above poster is right, you need a merged patch. Again, the website above should tell you how. Good Luck!


Thanks but i decided to remove FWE, and get Fook2, Yet i'm still having the crashing issues even after creating a merged patch and also having someone show me the correct load order, do you guys have any idea why this could be?

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Did you download all the files you needed, using the manual download or did you try to use NMM to download and install FOOK? Do you have the necessary compatibility patches?

A repost of your current load order would be necessary at this time in order to provide any meaningful help.

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