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Getting official DLC back


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A recent 'oops' found me refreshing my laptop to factory stock, which means reinstalling all my games from scratch, including Oblivion (waiting for Christmas and maybe a GOTY Edition before I move up to Skyrim). I'm having trouble finding my (legit) copies of the official DLC (Horse armor, Orrery, Wiz Tower, etc) on my old comp's hard drive. So I went to Bethesda's site thinkin' I could just re-download that which I've already purchased... but all I find is links to the xBox store.


Anyone know where I can find official distributions of the PC versions of Oblivion's DLC? Will still be hunting down the files on my vast, messy ol' desktop, but would still like to know if they're available to re-download from an official source.


EDIT: Found the BSAs and ESPs in my old desktop's Oblivion directory. Still can't find the installers... coulda sworn they came as .exe's..

Edited by DJZephyr
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The only source for DLCs today (outside of eBay/Craiglist etc.) is Steam (not sure of the DLCs are available separate from the GotY on Steam though).
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I think if you have your copy of Oblivion's CD key available, you can enter it to get the GOTY version of it at Steam. In fact, there's a lot you can get for free with certain CD keys, because a friend of mine entered the CD key of his copy of Half-Life into Steam and got it and also many other GldSrc games for free as a result. Edited by ziitch
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