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I accidentally deleted a piece of the floor in the creation kit


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The original asset is never lost (unless you mess with the official BSA, what should never do). On the other side the changes you did aren't really deleted. You may want to use TESVEdit utility to clean the mod after deleting the assets from the creation kit.


Alternatively you can clean the mod from the creation kit itself. To do so, highlight your mod, don't need to mark it and click the "details" button, from there flag the offending items so they are marked to be ignored. once it is done load the mod normally and save it soon afterward. This will remove the undesired alterations.


Cleaning your mods is something you should do always, so don't overlook that step even if your mod seems to be working correctly. "Edited" official assets which actually changed nothing in the official object are still on your mod and can cause conflicts with another mod.

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