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Weird HDT armor glitch


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Hello everyone, I recently ported TERA Armor parck 2015 for personal use to SSE, but becausE i cant use the last HDT SMP due to my cpu's age, it doesn't handle sse 4.2 instruction set so i had to get rid of the physics of each and everyone of the armors, i did this before succesfuly porting and deleting the physics feature, but some of the armors in this pack i try to equip melt in the floor, it has been almost imposible to look about this error cause i dont know how to describe it, only an image can show the problem




Some of the armors work perfectly which went through the same process of deleting the xml file and the hdt feature in nifscope, i dont know why this is happening, ill include the mesh of the armor of the image, so if you manage to fix it, i can use as an example to fix the others

After investiganting, i deactivated hdt framework, the armor was in its place but, some part of the armor stretched to the floor, a common error when there is no hdt framework, i cant find the node or the shape in nifscope that i have to delet or edit in order to solve this problem

Edited by juliandevast
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Body parts or armour stretching weirdly is often caused by using wearables for different body types. Like when using a CBBE body with UNP based armour/clothing or vice-versa. On the screenshot the body looks invisible too, which means there's assets missing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

thank you for the response, no one wanted to help me in thi regard, i dont know why, i will use BOSSE to change my body to see if this fixes the issue, if so done, if it does not, i will have to discard that piece of armor

Edited by juliandevast
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the armor is not invisible, if you can see in the floor, the armor is actually melted on the floor, i used armors for different bodies and nothing bad happened, just weird alpha holes when the skin was exposed, never stretching to the floor

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